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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Lesegruppe/2019-06-19 + (An Empirical Study of Architectural Decay in Open-Source Software)
- Lesegruppe/2021-01-27 + (An Empirical Study of Architectural Decay in Open-Source Software)
- Lesegruppe/2022-02-09 + (Applying Machine Learning in Self-adaptive Systems: A Systematic Literature Review)
- Lesegruppe/2020-Mai-19 + (Arrow R-CNN for handwritten diagram recognition)
- Lesegruppe/2020-07-15 + (Assessing and improving the quality of security methodologies for distributed systems)
- Lesegruppe/2020-11-17 + (Assume-guarantee verification of source code with design-level assumptions)
- Lesegruppe/2018-04-25 + (Ausgefallen wegen Korrektur)
- Lesegruppe/2019-01-30 + (Automated software architecture security risk analysis using formalized signatures)
- Lesegruppe/2020-07-13 + (Automatic GUI testing of desktop applications: an empirical assessment of the state of the art)
- Lesegruppe/2018-05-23 + (Bidirectional Transformations in the Large)
- Lesegruppe/2019-10-23 + (Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)
- Lesegruppe/2018-06-06 + (Concern-oriented Software Design)
- Lesegruppe/2020-April-21 + (Consistent change propagation within models)
- Lesegruppe/2020-06-03 + (Continuous software engineering: A roadmap and agenda)
- Lesegruppe/2019-May-06 + (Do Developers Discover New Tools On The Toilet?)
- Lesegruppe/2019-01-15 + (Domain-Specific Languages: A Systematic Mapping Study)
- Lesegruppe/2020-06-16 + (Explicit Alignment of Requirements and Architecture in Agile Development)
- Lesegruppe/2020-12-16 + (Fast Multi-Parameter Performance Modeling)
- Lesegruppe/2020-06-30 + (From product recommendation to cyber-attack prediction: generating attack graphs and predicting future attacks)
- Lesegruppe/2020-07-27 + (Gamification in education: a mixed-methods study of gender on computer science students’ academic performance and identity development)
- Lesegruppe/2018-11-07 + (Henshin: advanced concepts and tools for in-place EMF model transformations)
- Lesegruppe/2019-07-03 + (Improving the Consistency and Usefulness of Architecture Descriptions: Guidelines for Architects)
- Lesegruppe/2022-01-12 + (Information retrieval versus deep learning approaches for generating traceability links in bilingual projects)
- Lesegruppe/2020-11-04 + (Is automated grading of models effective? assessing automated grading of class diagrams)
- Lesegruppe/2020-12-01 + (Making Big Data, Privacy, and Anonymization Work Together in the Enterprise: Experiences and Issues)
- Lesegruppe/2018-12-19 + (Model-driven performance prediction of systems of systems)
- Lesegruppe/2018-06-20 + (Modeling and enforcing secure object flows in process-driven SOAs: an integrated model-driven approach)
- Lesegruppe/2019-05-08 + (Neural Code Comprehension: A Learnable Representation of Code Semantics)
- Lesegruppe/2022-05-04 + (Noise2Atom: unsupervised denoising for scanning transmission electron microscopy images)
- Lesegruppe/2020-04-20 + (On Debugging the Performance of Configurable Software Systems: Developer Needs and Tailored Tool Support)
- Lesegruppe/2021-11-03 + (P2CySeMoL: Predictive, Probabilistic Cyber Security Modeling Language)
- Lesegruppe/2019-05-22 + (Privacy Requirements: Present & Future)
- Lesegruppe/2020-07-01 + (RADAR: A Lightweight Tool for Requirements and Architecture Decision Analysis)
- Lesegruppe/2020-06-24 + (Reusable Formal Models for Secure Software Architectures)
- Lesegruppe/2019-12-04 + (Scalable Approaches for Test Suite Reduction)
- Lesegruppe/2019-07-17 + (Software Engineering for Machine Learning: A Case Study)
- Lesegruppe/2019-11-20 + (Supporting Architectural Decision Making on Data Management in Microservice Architectures)
- Lesegruppe/2018-05-09 + (The Future of Software Performance Engineering)
- Lesegruppe/202-01-26 + (The NISQ Analyzer: Automating the Selection of Quantum Computers for Quantum Algorithms)