This is a property of type Text.
Ausgefallen wegen Korrektur +
The Future of Software Performance Engineering +
Bidirectional Transformations in the Large +
Concern-oriented Software Design +
Modeling and enforcing secure object flows in process-driven SOAs: an integrated model-driven approach +
WESSBAS: extraction of probabilistic workload specifications for load testing and performance prediction—a model-driven approach for session-based application systems +
A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II +
Henshin: advanced concepts and tools for in-place EMF model transformations +
A functional reference architecture for autonomous driving +
Model-driven performance prediction of systems of systems +
Domain-Specific Languages: A Systematic Mapping Study +
Verification of Safety +
Automated software architecture security risk analysis using formalized signatures +
Neural Code Comprehension: A Learnable Representation of Code Semantics +
A Pattern Language for Scientific Simulations. +
Privacy Requirements: Present & Future +
The Security Twin Peaks +
An Empirical Study of Architectural Decay in Open-Source Software +
Improving the Consistency and Usefulness of Architecture Descriptions: Guidelines for Architects +
Software Engineering for Machine Learning: A Case Study +