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Eine Liste aller Seiten, die das Attribut „Addon summary“ mit dem Wert „Palladio-RT enables modelling and analysing embedded software in PCM.“ haben. Weil nur wenige Ergebnisse gefunden wurden, werden auch ähnliche Werte aufgelistet.

Hier sind 14 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

    • Palladio-RT  + (Palladio-RT enables modelling and analysing embedded software in PCM.)
    • PerOpteryx  + (PerOpteryx is an optimization framwork to improve component-based software architectures based on model-based quality prediction techniques.)
    • PBlaman  + (Performance blame analysis approach (separate tooling, scripts that read in csv results of SimuCom). Maybe also discontinued.)
    • Exact Schedulers  + (SimuCom add-on which adds support for more realistic CPU scheduling.)
    • PCM Data Channels  + (SimuLizar extension for Palladio Data Channels)
    • SimuLizar  + (SimuLizar is a Palladio plug-in for analyzSimuLizar is a Palladio plug-in for analyzing self-adaptive systems, such as cloud computing systems, at design-time. With SimuLizar, we want to provide modeling support for self-adaptation rules as well as new analysis for scalability, elasticity, and efficiency.r scalability, elasticity, and efficiency.)
    • SimuLizar Usability Extension  + (SimuLizar is a Palladio plug-in for analyzSimuLizar is a Palladio plug-in for analyzing self-adaptive systems. To analyze such systems, SimuLizar introduces new metrics to the PCM: Scalability, elasticity and efficiency. This is achieved by using Monitors, Measuring Points and multiple measurable metrics. With the SimuLizar Usability Extension we want to aid users in the prozess of managing and creating these through a new Measurements-Dashboard view with an integrated wizard.-Dashboard view with an integrated wizard.)
    • Accuracy Influence Analysis  + (The Accuracy Influence Analysis was a formThe Accuracy Influence Analysis was a former AddOn of Palladio but is now integrated into the simulation-based performance prediction. It extends the accuracy statements of Palladio with an influence analysis. The accuracy statements enable to state the accuracy of behavior specifications in ''.quality'' files.vior specifications in ''.quality'' files.)
    • PCM Cost Solver  + (The PCM Cost Solver is a simple cost model that is used in PerOpteryx.)
    • Palladio Experiment Automation  + (The Palladio Experiment Automation enables automatic execution of Palladio simulation runs. Allows to specify experiment runs for arbitrary solvers within a model; also supports experiment variations, e.g., for sensitivity analyses.)
    • Power Consumption Analyzer  + (The Power Consumption Analyzer tooling supThe Power Consumption Analyzer tooling supports the analysis of power and energy consumption of software systems defined in PCM. Power distribution characteristics are defined using instances of the Power Consumption model. The Power Consumption model references PCM's Resource Environment Model and annotates each resource and ResourceContainer with its consumption characteristics.iner with its consumption characteristics.)
    • SimuLizar Wizard  + (The SimuLizar Wizards aids users in creating and editing Monitors and Measuring Points.)
    • UCM2PCM  + (The UCM2PCM Transformation enables modeling a software system as UseCaseMap (UCM) and then automatically transform that UCM into a PCM model to do performance engineering.)
    • PCM Coverage  + (This AddOn for Palladio allows managing and presenting coverage information on behavior specifications. It supports the creation of coverage requirements for a given specification and presenting the results of coverage runs.)