Accuracy Influence Analysis

Aus SDQ-Wiki
Palladio Addon (Liste)
Name Accuracy Influence Analysis
Contacts Henning Groenda ( groenda/)
State Stable
Is Stand-alone Analysis? No
Extends Analyses SimuCom
Extends Metamodels Annotations

Short Summary

The Accuracy Influence Analysis was a former AddOn of Palladio but is now integrated into the simulation-based performance prediction. It extends the accuracy statements of Palladio with an influence analysis. The accuracy statements enable to state the accuracy of behavior specifications in .quality files.



The implementation is part of Palladio's stable release.


  1. Go to a simulation-based launch configuration. Check Analyse accuracy influence. Provide a Quality annotation file in the corresponding section stating the accuracy of behaviour specifications used in the analysis.
  2. Set all other values for your analysis and run the analyis. The heuristic defined in groenda2011 creates automatically adapted models for the best-, average-, and worst case and runs the analysis on them.
  3. Compare the measurements between the cases.


The following examples can be checked out as eclipse projects via anonymous SVN access into an eclipse workspace. They provide quality definitions for Palladio models including run configurations. The examples additionally demonstrate the generation and presentation of coverage information. This additional part requires the installation of Test-based Validation Addon.

  1. Probabilistic Modeling Example (PME): PME Example. The execution of the PME Accuracy Influence Analysis launch configuration creates the measurement for comparing the different deviation scenarios.
  2. Multithreaded Modeling Example (MME): MME Example. The execution of the MME Accuracy Influence Analysis launch configuration creates the measurement for comparing the different deviation scenarios.