PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20120724
Palladio Developer Wiki
- Participants:
- Steffen Becker, UPB
- Benjamin Klatt, FZI (host, minutes)
- Jörg Henß, KIT
- Klaus Krogmann, FZI
- Philipp Merkle, KIT
- Anne Koziolek, UZH
- JavaDoc
- The nightly build javadoc is enough
- For future releases, this will be persisted as well
- Palladio Overview
- There is an internal list of student thesis in the interal sdq wiki
- Alternativ A: List in the open wiki
- Alternativ B: Recorded in Jira
- Clear issue states
- Incubation component for active palladio development projects (projects = issues)
- Automatic notification to mailing list if a new issue is created for such a component
- Advisors have to take that such an issue is created
- phd students have to create issues on their work on palladio
- Service Release 3.3.1
- GMF Editors: "generated" and "generated not" code has been separated. In the generated code, all "generated not" markers should be removed and the code should be re-generated to ensure the separation was successfull -> jira issue for andreas
- Klaus will add further plugins updated versions have to be included in the 3.3.1 service release PCM_3.3.1
- A new version entry has been created in jira and issues for the 3.3.1 release should get this version as fixed version http://sdqbuild.ipd.kit.edu/jira/browse/PALLADIO/fixforversion/10400
- Palladio Release 3.4 + Test Plans
- 3.4 Release Date 5.11.2012
- 3.4 Feature Freeze 8.10.2012
- 2 Coding Sessions to prepare the release: 11.10. and 19.09. afternoon sessions on both days starting at 15:00
- Testplans have been developed by a trainee at the FZI
- The results still need to be reviewed
- The results have been persisted in the wiki, a link will be send to the list
- Benjamin and Klaus will ensure that there will be initial test plans available for the coding sessions to support the testers and coordinate the testing
- Call infrastructure
- Adobe connect will be used as call infrastructure in the future