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Eine Liste aller Seiten, die das Attribut „Summary“ mit dem Wert „Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education“ haben. Weil nur wenige Ergebnisse gefunden wurden, werden auch ähnliche Werte aufgelistet.

Hier sind 38 Ergebnisse, beginnend mit Nummer 1.

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Liste der Ergebnisse

    • ITiCSE  + (Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education)
    • CBSE  + (International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering. Merged into ICSA starting from 2017)
    • ARES  + (International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security)
    • ICEIS  + (International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems)
    • ISSEP  + (International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives)
    • MODELS  + (International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems)
    • ICMT  + (International Conference on Model Transformation)
    • ICSA  + (International Conference on Software ArchiInternational Conference on Software Architecture. ICSA is the integration of WICSA and CompArch. ICSA will extend the WICSA history and tradition as the premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in finding out about and improving the state of practice of software Architecture. ICSA will also extend the CompArch history (and its constituent events CBSE and QoSA), of designing component-based systems and analyzing the quality of architecturesand analyzing the quality of architectures)
    • SEKE  + (International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering)
    • ICSE  + (International Conference on Software Engineering. Die größte Software-Engineering Konferenz der Welt. (Annahmequote ca. 15%))
    • ESSoS  + (International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS))
    • REFSQ  + (International Working Conference on Requirement Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality)
    • OOPSLA  + (Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications: Große, nordamerikanische Konferenz über OO-Themen.)
    • SLE  + (SLE is devoted to the engineering principles of software languages: their design, their implementation, and their evolution.)
    • CSF  + (The Computer Security Foundations SymposiuThe Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) is an annual symposium for researchers in computer security and privacy, to develop and examine theories of security and privacy, to build the formal models that provide a context for those theories, and to study techniques for verifying, analyzing, and implementing security and, and implementing security and privacy.)
    • Modularity  + (The Modularity conference series was formerly known as AOSD (Aspect Oriented Software Development) conference series and deals with all approaches that foster modularity in Software Engineering.)
    • Symposium on Software Performance  + (The Symposium on Software Performance (SSPThe Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) brings together researchers and practitioners interested in software performance, where "performance" is understood both in a classical sense as “the amount of useful work accomplished by a software system compared to the time and resources used”, as well as in a broader sense as "the manner in which or the efficiency with which a software system reacts or fulfills its intended purpose". reacts or fulfills its intended purpose".)
    • WSC  + (The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) is a conference specialized on system simulations.)
    • SE  + (The conference series SE is ''the'' german-speaking conference on Software Engineering of the German Chapter of the ACM (Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI)).)
    • MODELSWARD  + (The purpose of MODELSWARD is to provide a The purpose of MODELSWARD is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in using models and model driven engineering techniques for Software Development.ering techniques for Software Development.)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2020-08-10  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2018-11-12  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2023-11-27  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2022-05-09  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2019-09-09  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2022-04-25  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2020-09-14  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2020-02-10  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2019-12-09  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2019-09-24  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2017-06-08  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2019-02-25  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2018-09-10  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2021-09-27  + (Vorträge:)
    • SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2023-12-04  + (Vorträge: Webkonferenzraum:
    • SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-08-12  + (Vorträge: Adrian Freund: Metamodeling witVorträge:</br></br>Adrian Freund: Metamodeling with JSON (Masterarbeit), Betreuer/in: Thomas Weber, Martin Armbruster</br></br>Juan Saenz: TBA (Masterarbeit), Betreuer/in: Manar Mazkatli, Martin Armbruster</br></br>Niklas Kerkhoff: Einsatz von Retrieval-Augmented LLMs zur Unterstützung neuer Tutoren in Programmier-Einsteigerkursen (Bachelorarbeit), Betreuer/in: Dominik Fuchß, Yves Kirschner</br></br>Velislav Slavov: Analyzing software extensions through composition of architecture and source code analyzers (Masterarbeit), Betreuer/in: Frederik Reiche, Bahareh Taghavi</br></br>Webkonferenzraum:
    • SDQ-Seminar/2020-03-09  + (Vorträge: Akin Asik: Analyse der RelationVorträge:</br></br>Akin Asik: Analyse der Relation zwischen textueller Dokumentation und formellen Modellen in der Softwarearchitektur (Bachelorarbeit), Betreuer/in: Jan Keim, Yves Kirschner</br></br>Sophie Corallo: Klassifizierung und Verknüpfung von Elementen zwischen Architekturdokumentation und -modellen (Masterarbeit), Betreuer/in: Jan Keim, Yves Kirschnerit), Betreuer/in: Jan Keim, Yves Kirschner)
    • SDQ-Seminar/2017-05-15  + (Vorträge: Alessandro Giusa: Specifying anVorträge:</br></br>Alessandro Giusa: Specifying and Maintaining the Correspondence between Architecture Models and Runtime Observations (Bachelorarbeit), Betreuer/in: Robert Heinrich</br></br>Amine Kechaou: An Approach to Metamodel Modularization (Bachelorarbeit), Betreuer/in: Misha Strittmatter</br></br>Larissa Schmid: Systematische Erfassung der Kontextannahmen für architekturelle Sicherheitsmuster (Bachelorarbeit), Betreuer/in: Robert Heinrich, Emre Taşpolatoğluuer/in: Robert Heinrich, Emre Taşpolatoğlu)