does it work in combination with sensitivity analysis?
Neue Features
Palladio Profiles (Max)
NamedElement (Michael)
Meta-Modelling Workshop
PCM Metamodel Issues/Questions
Overview QuAL
Henning: are request IDs still in place? -> masurements for e.g. forks still working?
yes, reused parts from former probe spec
does a probe mounted at an action measure BEFORE or AFTER that action is executed?
not yet specifiable
Philipp: performance of sensor framework vs. edp2?
Steffen: nearly the same
Henning: UI-framework specific to EDP2 / Sensor Framework?
Steffen: rather not, usable outside that context as long as interface fits, accepts any type of datasource
Misha: please add pointers to documentation into the Palladio wiki
Philipp: please also have a look at the Experiment Automation, whether the wiki page is still up to date
Sebastian: EventSim is not yet totally refactored
Steffen: stopped refactoring when migrating to new ProbeSpec
Philipp: will have a look
Release Planning
Consent: EventSim and SimuLizar should be in AddOns rather than Incubation
Add Ons should be released shortly after the Core release
Status of different tools / projects
Steffen: (de-)marshalling seems to be broken
Steffen: throughput/latency still working; if you need more, consider using PCM/OMNET++
Steffen: there is also an implementation by Sebastian
was working several month ago
had more features
based on QVT, plus concept of CompletionComponent --> works with SimuCom
can be found in Incubation, PCM2SCA (or similar)
Sebastian: but not usable outside of the box, currently
Matthias: new version based on Xtext, there is a branch currently, shall be part of upcoming release
Steffen: there is now less code that *not* supports units :)
Steffen: ...still, units not yet supported by StoEx and simulations (incl. SimuCom) => no units for the upcoming release, but perhaps the release thereafter?
Reliability-Extensions in SimuCom
Henning: still correct (i.e. as developed by Franz) in SimuCom? should be checked.
Steffen: we should test the Reliability extension for 2-3 simple models (Responsible: Steffen)
LQN-Solver Transformation
Is LQN transformation still working? This was not clear. (perhaps Heiko/Anne could check this?)
Matthias: new binaries of LQN solver are not compatible with existing Palladio transformation
Steffen: even for the old binaries, transformation will probably work no longer because StoEx MM has changed
Sebastian: new Protocom will be included into the release, ready in December
Palladio Profiles
Sebastian: Palladio Profiles, ready to be included into release?
Misha: some issues remaining, are planned to be fixed before the Palladio release
Christian: there are also some "modelling hacks" (for details ask Emre/Christian) -- there has not been an agreement whether these are actually hacks
Misha: Profiles UI Plugin currently not included, but should be
Sebastian: who does it? (Responsible: Misha)
Henning: something that has been dismissed?
Sebastian: SensorFramework deprecated (Matthias: so, make EDP2 the default UI selection)
Matthias: PerOpterys relies heavily on SensorFramework
Christian: Anne has a student that migrated PerOpteryx to EDP2
Christian: Andreas migrated SimuCom transformation, should make sure if the transformation is still the same semantically
Christian: believes there is a switch to easily select the "old" transformation
Misha: propably has a student that can execute the manual Jira tasks
Philipp: what about automated tests of SimuCom results?
Steffen: not sure if they work
To reinstate automated tests, three tasks have been identified: