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PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20241210
- Nicolas
- Floriment
- Sebastian H.
- Sebastian W.
- Martina
- Ralf S.
- Larissa
- Snigdha
- Nils
- Freddy
- Jörg
- Nicolas: not much
- Larissa: nothing
- Sebastian H.: nothing
- Nils: data analysis project, transformation palladio -> data flow
- Floriment: slingshot meetings started again, refactored some parts
- Martina: paper for ICPE, master thesis for evolutionary algorithms
- Snigdha: building own dissertation pipeline
- Freddy: writing diss
- Sebastian W.: finish SofDCar, nothing
- Ralf: planned headless application of Palladio
- Best practices: Rules for working with GitHub
- Removal of UI dependencies of some core components to allow for headless SimExp
- Ralf: Good Practice to not have UI dependencies; core.pcm, core.commons have UI dependecies
- Nicolas: would be full refactoring; have already created headless applications with UI dependencies
- Ralf: would not work technically, minimal refactoring planned, creating new substitution plugin for error dialog without UI
- Nicolas: just go for a headless application without refactorings
- Temporary branch with its own updatesite to test before pushing to main
- Ralf: Could not load core.commons because it was an old updatesite
- Nicolas: core.commons updated updatesite was not published -> bug in build, now fixed
- Split changes into different PRs
- 2 Reviewers required for PRs on core modules
- e.g. slingshot is not part of the nightly build, so be aware even if your changes go through the nightly build you might break things
- Important: communicate before you push and pressure is not a good advisor
- Martina: fear of changes due to hardly calculatable impacts
- Future Slingshot Plans, Roadmap, Development Team?
- Work of Sebastian W. and Bahareh depends on it
- Floriment + Sarah, weekly meeting on imrovements, validation, three master thesis
- Phd students starting in a ca. year will hopefully work on it
- github, meetings, paper at SSP
- validation for layers underneath upper layer