PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20240213
Attendees: Nils, Larissa, Sebastian H, Sebastian W, Snigdha, Anne, Stefan and Floriment
- Nicolas :set up concall and wiki, integrate student work, work further on second version of data flow analysis
- Sebastian Weber: integrating his current work to PCM
- Sebastian H.: data flow analysis and Palladio integration
- Larissa: integrating zero trust architecture to PCM
- Nils: data flow analysis
- Stefan: slighshot (parameter passing) and further implementation
- Anne: co-Palladio work, trace recovery (natural language to PCM), softd car with PCM?
- Floriment: gain trust or build trust with slightshot, automated testing on slinghtshot, what can be simulated?
- Snigdha: integrating the PCM event based model
- Reverse engineering can be discussed later
- Sebastian: PCM installation breaks for Xtext, PCM random variable (cannot view the repository) Workaround: 1. manually install Xtext Eclipse 2023 (forced update). 2. Disabling the updating side so that Eclipse will pick up the new by itself
- Practical student work to test the installation
- Ask Sebastian Krach regarding the issues (Barbique party?)