PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20230808
- Nicolas
- Sebastian W.
- Floriment
- Anne
- Freddy
- Snigdha
- Steffen
- Maximilian
- Nicolas: writing paper for SSP,
- Sebastian: same,
- Freddy: not much for Palladio,
- Maximilian: not much for Palladio,
- Floriment: not much for Palladio, submit for MODELS
- Snigdha: nothing directly PCM related - SSP organizational stuff.
- Anne: SSP paper of Martin,
- Steffen: comments on Slingshot bugs.
- update list of development teams member
- switching to MS Teams instead of GoTo Meeting -> Nicolas will create a meeting
- Student assistant will create prototype for new Palladio website, will be shown at Dev Day @ SSP
- Please confirm your attendance for the Dev Day
- Walk-through the agenda of the Dev Day
- Presentation on Refactoring of Palladio by Robert @ SSP or next ConCall?
- Rethink schedule according to importance of / dependencies between agenda items