PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20200609

Aus SDQ-Wiki


  • Anne (KIT)
  • Floriment (US)
  • Jörg (FZI)
  • Larissa (KIT)
  • Markus (US)
  • Martina (FZI)
  • Steffen (US)
  • Stephan (FZI)
  • Yves (KIT)


  • JIRA issues status Dev Board
    • SIMUCOM-55 (Maximilian): support to locate root cause
    • SIMUCOM-78 (Martina): discuss intended behavior
  • Palladio June release
    • content:
      • SimuCom discontinuation
      • Editors Usability
      • StoEx Editor Integration
      • SomoxPeroperyx maintenance
    • planned release date: ???
  • Review process
    • Situation: peer groups that assign reviews to each other
    • Goal: distribute reviews of pull requests over people to spread knowledge
    • Requirements: timely reaction to requests (as discussed during last con call 12.05.2020)
      • average time for first reaction should be 2 days
      • final review within 1 week
      • exception handling allowed e.g. in case of high work balance
      • reviewer assignment
        • maybe slack channel for urgent reviewers
        • finding potential reviewer -> postponed
    • final comittment how to proceed in the future regarding PRs in the team (postphone to next ConCall)
    • proposed process:
      • when JIRA task is finished the JIRA task owner triggers pull request and assigns it to a dedicated reviewer (reviever should be an experienced developer in this domain)
      • reviewer receives an email notification from github about the review
      • reviewer conducts the review within X days; if passed will execute the merge
      • github will send an email notification to the JIRA task owner to inform him about the successful pull request
      • JIRA task owner can now close the ticket
  • Fork and cleanup of SimuComFramework for SimuLizar (Sebastian)
    • Allow for more fundamental structural changes without effort to update SimuCom
      • SOLID principles
      • Reduce depth of inheritance hierarchies
    • Externalize from SimuCom project, adapt namespace to prevent conflict
    • Strategically drop SimuCom development/support

Issue Status

  • Not too much progress, many issues not started or no progress
  • SIMUCOM-55
    • issue is reproducible
    • root cause not clear
    • how is BasicComponent realized and how do delegation connectors work?
    • CompositeStructureSwitch walks through Connectors and their might be the infrastructure part missing
    • Not clear if the new connectors have to be specific anyway. Maybe try to replace specific with generic base class.
    • Anne und Steffen können hier ggf. weiterhelfen.
  • SIMUCOM-78
    • is a CPU ressource always required in a resource container?
      • yes, for SimuCom because for accessing HDD, CPU demands occur
      • no for SimuLizar, because HDD simulation is much simpler and does not require CPUs
    • real question: transfer complex HDD simulation to Simulizar?
    • most probably no because we cannot maintain it and nobody has the required knowledge
    • HDD simulation not really useful anymore because SSDs are used nowadays and behavior is different
    • today this behavior could be modeled by resource interfaces
    • won't fix
  • Agreement on minimum work done in a sprint
    • expectation: close at least one issue per sprint
    • issue has to be started (at least a comment in the issue)
    • if issue cannot be closed it has to be discussed in the ConCall
    • attendance at concall if progress is bad/not as expected
    • TODO Anne: Mention expectations in organization round at KIT

Palladio June Release

  • wait for Eclipse release 2020-06
  • development team (KIT) and US
  • schedule: 17.06. Eclipse 2020-06 release
  • adjust target platform: 18.06.-19.06.
  • testing day 26.06. 2pm - 5pm
    • remote via GoToMeeting
    • slack channel for chats about bugs or light weight organzational stuff
    • TODO Steffen: setup slack
  • fix urgent bugs 29.06.
  • release 30.06.
  • minor release 4.3