PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20200210
Issue Status
- Postpone EDITOR tickets in favor of SimuCOM deprecation
- Closed various outdated/invalid tickets to reduce amount of backlog
- big topics in backlog
- SimuCom deprecation
- StoEx editors
- Editors usability
- SoMoX/PerOpteryx
- future focus: discontinue SimuCom
- goal: get done by June
- approach: focus on tickets of SimuCom group
- current tasks:
- bugs: confirm/unconfirm -> solution not required yet
- remaining issues stay assigned -> solution is required
- SIMUCOM-13 will be closed as suggested by Anne
- PALLADIO-457: Solve
- if you have questions: ask PCM Strategic people
- status
- SOMOX build: need support, will arrange appointment with Stephan
- After the Concall there was a second Concall with Anne, Steffen, Manar and Yves
- In CloudScale the MoDisco variant of SoMoX was used
- SoMoX was quite good to initial model generation
- The given software systems were broadly well composed from the start
- Small errors in the model was simply fixed manually
- Initial result had to be enhanced later anyway
- Reduced the effort at the beginning
- A ticket was opened for all problems
- Due to time constraints not all errors have been fixed
- SVN Basis for development
- SoMoX in CloudScale is only a mirror
Discussion of issue proceeding
- QUAL-31
- SimuCom copies Palladio model to temporary folder, afterwards code generation
- measreuments point to temporary folder
- might not affect Simulizar because of no temporary models
- needs reconfirmation
- QUAL-32
- needs reconfirmation
- can Floriment fix this?
- postpone it
- used in
- Palladio uses it in ATs
- KASTEL uses it
- future status
- only maintenance
- no improvements
- possible alternatives: MDSD Characteristics to be developed by Sebastian
Handling of Board
- is the developer board useful?
- Yves: JIRA/Board is very useful to get an overview on tasks
- Maximilian: Good overview
- Manar: Many mails, but good overview in general
- TODO Martina/Stephan: look for bulk notifications