PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20200113
- Steffen
- Jörg
- Max
- Stephan
- Maximilian
- request from Anne: is it possible to schedule ConCall at 2PM in the future ?
- JIRA issues status
- Current issues:
- Max Pull request SimuLizar PR-6
- Manar SoMoX-JaMoPP build migration
- Dev Board
- Suggested new issues:
- EXPAUTOM-6 (Dominik)
- PALLADIO-464 (Dominik)
- EDITORS-246 (Stephan)
- Current issues:
- what features would you like to see in Palladio 5.0 release?
- replacement of SimuCom by Simulizar
- role of parameter modifiers in PCM (Stephan)
- according to PCM Changelog#Changes in Detail and Variable and Parameter Characterisations#IN/OUT/INOUT Parameter they are not used anymore
- parameters are INOUT and return value is OUT
- why still in meta model?
- reschulding to 2PM
- might be possible
- send doodle around
- identify possible blockers
- rest skip to the next meeting
Palladio Roadmap
- Replacement of SIMUCOM with SimuLizar
- linking support
- already in JIRA
- will be added to jira task distribution
- Goal List of Projects, which should be prioritized
- tracking with Jira
Role of parameter modifier
- Parameter modifiers
- difference in the network simulation
- was taken to account
- not sure wheter it exists
- TODO: Check network simulation
- inform the user if not used
- Information in the wiki might be outdated
- TODO: Create Issue
- use advance network communication
- Bytesize with 1000
- IN 1000
- OUT 1000
- INOUT 2000
- TODO: Doco Issues