PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20190114
- Markus Frank
- Floriment Klinaku
- Stephan Seifermann
- Jörg Henß
- Max Scheerer
Follow up of Simulizar workshop
- State of documentation, state of the following:
- Arbitrary Load Balancing Strategies? (Patrick Firnkes) → Documentation is almost complete; only missing: arbitrary load balancing strategies
- Prototype of next gen Simulizar (Sebastian) → WiP, Sebastian is still looking for student
- Possible student's theses (selection of reconfiguration mechanisms) (Max) → WiP, Max is still looking for student
- Review of removal of IModelAccess (Max)
- State of code review by Floriment → TODO Max: check comments
- Impliciation of removing PCM measuring points without additional information (Dominik) → No update
- Assign tasks for cleanup of top 10 classes (wrt code) → No update
- Discussion about changes that shall be released → postponed to next concall
General switch to EPL 2.0 license (Stephan)
- New license feature available now → The licensing feature, which includes the new EPL, has been switched
- Did we miss somebody in copyright? → Need to be checked, whether the university of chemnitz should also be enumerated in the copyright, since there is probably no more palladio developers or contributors
Additional point (Jörg)
- An issue has been detected during the installation of palladio → TODO Stephan: Create issue
- Follow up of Simulizar workshop
- State of documentation, state of the following:
- Arbitrary Load Balancing Strategies? (Patrick Firnkes)
- Prototype of next gen Simulizar (Sebastian)
- Possible student's theses (selection of reconfiguration mechanisms) (Max)
- Review of theses by Sebastian
- Review of removal of IModelAccess (Max)
- State of code review by Floriment
- Impliciation of removing PCM measuring points without additional information (Dominik)
- Assign tasks for cleanup of top 10 classes (wrt code)
- Discussion about changes that shall be released
- State of documentation, state of the following:
- General switch to EPL 2.0 license (Stephan)
- New license feature available now
- Did we miss somebody in copyright?