PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20181112
- Max
- Stephan
- Maximilian
- Steffen
- Floriment
Follow up of Simulizar workshop
- Documentation Load-Balancing by Patrick Firnkes
- difference Patric specify Java-Code how the load balancing works
- currently not easy to use (e.g. Magic String)
- not include template in update
- more Documentation and parameterize it
- Simulizar NG
- TODO Next status call
- Possible Student Thesis
- Max created document for thesis proposals
- add to wiki and set flag student is already working and then late publish it
- Review by Sebastian
- Selection of specific reconfiguration
- Removal of IModelAccess
- Pull-Request
- change reviewer to Floriment
- Implicatin of Moving Meassurement Point
- TODO next status call
- Clean-up task
- TODO next status call
- Discussion about changes that shall be released
- TODO next status call
StoEX-Xtext Integration
- Student of Stephan fixed some grammar problems
- not yet smooth and graphical integration still needs some work
- replace the existing parser with xtext parser
- not yet done
- might be complicated to remove
- merge into master will take more time
External Dependencies
- migration of buildjobs to tycho
- problems with 2 third party dependencies
- storydiagram interpreter
- original repo down
- scaledl job
- intertwined buildjobs with palladio
- storydiagram interpreter
- scaledl move to pcm, because used in Simuliazer
- cloudscale original data lost
- fork scaledsl to palladio
- storydiagram interpreter
- no changes since 2015
- was hosted on google code
- should be moved to github, but not into pcm
- use sdm-commons, as third-party, newer code into the repo
- maven based and compiling
- Steffen admin of repo
- affected added event-transformation into Simulizar
- Deadlock because intertwined commits
- minor changes and suggestions
- unclear, what is open
- TODO Talk to creators about open issues