No compatibility with Java 9. Fixed in nightly. Release as "subminor" release?
Light-weight solution: Only release product, since it is only a Eclipse problem.
Objections/known compatibility problems?
MF: Oxygen+PCM works. SDK: No specific problems w/ Java 9 and Eclipse (problem can be fixed by correctly parametrizing Eclipse)
Status update
BWCloud (Max S.): Jenkins Slave / OpenStack
Jenkins Slave: connect via SSH to nodes
OpenStack: starts VMs on demand. VMs are "clean", installing JREs takes time. Can be automated. Plugin is not documented. StS: bwCloud pricing unclear. OpenStack is principaly interesting. On average builds are not long (5 minutes), if initialization takes longer, we gain nothing. Nightly builds could be supported by correctly setting the time for retaining sleeping VMs. Which builds can be grouped on the instanes? Group the builds by dependencies. Clone jobs, deploy them together and find out if the build process works, could be problematic for Buckminster based builds.
OAuth2 for authorization (Dominik)
move to next concall
Tycho builds (Stephan)
build migrated (Workflow engine), works in Tycho.
Javadoc is separate job, not yet ported. Has dependencies to buckminster artefacts (cached update sites, local target platforms, ...).
GitHub-Issues/-Wiki is used for some projects (ATs)
MF: was (partially) discussed at the retreat. Forward from GitHub to Jira. Put link into GitHub, then issues are automatically added to the Jira. In one direction or the other. (GitHub->Jira, Jira->GitHub?). TODO: StS research
Suggestions for moving projects from KIT-SDQ to MDSD-Tools
Will be moved. Need to be maintained in MDSD-Tools, however. Needs new build server.