PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20180423
There was some confusion about the scheduled time of the concall (15:30 vs. 16:00).
- 16:00
- Felix (Fortiss)
- Sebastian (FZI)
- Max (FZI)
- Maximilian (KIT)
Agenda (16:00)
The planned agenda was skipped due to the limited number of participants.
- Status update
- Memory Resources
Status Update
- Memory Resources (Felix)
- Integration into PCM Sirius Editors finished
- Now supported by EventSim, Simucom and SimuLizar, as well as Sensorframework and EDP2
- Felix' changed inheritance hierarchy might be blocker
- before: HDDResource is subtype of ProcessingResource
- processing rate of HDD?
- now: ProcessingResource is on same level as HDDResource and Memory resource
- Change has impact on a lot of existing code
- before: HDDResource is subtype of ProcessingResource
- Migration of relevant projects to GitHub (TODO Felix: Send list of projects to Sebastian, TODO Sebastian: Migrate) and Felix creates pull requests with changes