PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20130318
Palladio Developer Wiki
- Jens Frieben, Fraunhofer IPT
- Michael Hauck, FZI (host, minutes)
- Benjamin Klatt, FZI
- Anne Koziolek, KIT
- Sebastian Lehrig, UPB
- Philipp Merkle, KIT
- Model Migration (edapt)
- WFE 2.0
- Spring Release
- SoMoX 2 PCM
- Status
- Coding Sessions am 26.03.
- Status Palladio Extensions
- Model Migration
- UPB made bad experiences: EAdapt works for documenting metamodel changes, but not for automated migration
- for exmaple Edapt had probjems with the support of multiple packages
- SDQ students in practical lab should try out Edapt
- UPB made bad experiences: EAdapt works for documenting metamodel changes, but not for automated migration
- WFE 2.0
- Workflow Engine cleaned up
- Documentation is in the wiki
- 2.0 release for Palladio Spring release
- Palladio Spring release
- Additional changes by Jens Frieben (metamodel change: change resource container by extension point)
- Do not include in 3.4.1 release, but in 3.5 release
- Jens checks if additional schedulers can be included in Palladio
- Plan coding session or fix release date on Somox coding session (March 26th)
- Additional changes by Jens Frieben (metamodel change: change resource container by extension point)
- Palladio Extensions
- Student starts working on implementation these days
- UPB SimuLizar Palladio extension (interfaces: where to monitor; currently solved using an annotation model) a candidate for using the Palladio extension mechanism once it is available