PCM Development/Palladio Concall/Minutes 20120514
Palladio Developer Wiki
- Participants:
- Matthias Becker, UPB
- Steffen Becker, UPB
- Franz Brosch, FZI
- Michael Hauck, FZI (host, minutes)
- Jörg Henß, KIT
- Benjamin Klatt, FZI
- Anne Koziolek, UZH
- Klaus Krogmann, FZI
- Philipp Merkle, KIT
- Palladio-Bench 3.3 Release
- Release information on palladio-simulator.com; ALL: please check if text complete
- Use Palladio-Bench consistently as wording for the tooling. Palladio: the approach itself
- Add 64bit MAC drop to the wiki page (Micha)
- MediaStore: commit new generated diagrams into SVN (Micha)
- Editor bugs: create JIRA entrys (Philipp), do bugfixes in branch, new Build for release 3.3.1
- Reliability & Solver
- Rel. Solver should be maintained
- Franz is maintaining solver as long as he is with the group
- Franz moves Reliability SimuCom template code into add-on templates
- Sensor Framework
- Move Sensor Framework Visualization into Sensor Framework (Micha)
- -> Sensor Framework release 1.1
- PerOpteryx AddOn build: Adapt for core release 3.3 (Micha)
- Incubation Build: Create hook so that incubation build runs after PCM Core Build (Benjamin)
- Feature for release 3.4
- Replace Stoex implementation with textual DSL:
- Important that metamodel stays the same (many visitors depend on it)
- For xtext one should derive grammar from existing metamodel (student should try this)
- Jörg creates student announcement
- Replace Stoex implementation with textual DSL:
- Exact Schedulers:
- Support of priorites committed by Jens Frieben
- Discucssion about concepts in Dagstuhl