PCM Development/EDP2/Visualization/Create Custom View

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This guide describes how a new JFreeChart-view can be created and added to the list of visualizations available in EDP2.

Important information

  • The extension point for registering new charts is: de.uka.ipd.sdq.edp2.visualization.datasink
  • All charts using the JFreeChart library must subclass JFreeChartEditorInput
  • The existing implementation of HistogramEditorInput can be used as a guideline
  • In addition to the input element itself, a factory for the element is required, see also step 2 in the #Step-by-step guide below.
  • A JFreeChartEditorInput should not be confused with a DefaultSequence.

Thus, if you wish to create a particular type of chart, e.g. utilisation, you should first consider using an existing chart (e.g. PieChart) and setting title and properties in a way to represent the desired measure graphically.

Step-by-step guide

Guide for creating a new chart, using the PieChartEditorInput-class as an example:

  1. Create the class "PieChartEditorInput<PieDataset>", subclassing JFreeChartEditorInput.
    • Note that the class is typed, the type must be the dataset required by this JFreeChart
    1. Add required constants for persisting PieChart-elements and its properties
      • the ELEMENT_NAME"-constant is required to identify the element itself:
        • private static final String ELEMENT_NAME = "PieChartEditorInput";
      • other constants are keys for storing different options of the chart, for example for showing values on the chart:
        • public final static String SHOW_RELATIVE_AMOUNT_KEY = "showRelativeAmount";
        • public final static String SHOW_ABSOLUTE_AMOUNT_KEY = "showAbsoluteAmount";
    2. Add fields for the properties and corresponding getters/setters, as well as field(s) containing the data to be displayed by this chart:
      • private double[][] data;
    3. Create two constructors, one default-constructor, which is required for persistence, and one setting default values and the source of the input:
      public PieChartEditorInput() {
      public PieChartEditorInput(AbstractDataSource source) {
    4. Implement public void updateInputData() - This method is central. It should contain appropriate code to accomplish the following:
      • Create a new instance of the data which is used by this JFreeChartEditorInput's chart
      • Unwrap the data provided in the DataSource and use them to fill the data-field
      • Finally, add the following to make sure changes to this element are propagated to the JFreeChartEditorInputHandle and the JFreeChartEditor classes.
    5. Implement the remaining inherited methods. Their purpose is documented in the respective interfaces / super-classes. Let's take a look at a few special ones:
      • public boolean canAccept(AbstractDataSource source)
        • Method to check if a specified source contains valid data for this IDataSink-instance
      • public PieChartEditorInput createCopyForSource(AbstractDataSource source)
        • Return a new instance of this class for a provided source
      • public HashMap<String, Object> getProperties()
        • Add all properties and their current values to the inherited properties field here
      • public void setProperties(HashMap<String, Object> newProperties)
        • Check which properties are contained in newProperties, parse the values and use setters to change field values
      • public JFreeChart getChart()
        • Return a JFreeChart using the appropriate plot and/or renderer. If multiple inputs are supported by the encapsulated Chart, they must be retrieved from the JFreeChartEditorInputHandle and added here.
  1. Create a factory class for the input, subclassing ElementFactory
    1. You can basically copy an existing Factory-class, e.g. HistogramEditorInputFactory
      • change the type of the "restoredElement" to the type of the class this factory is for, i.e. PieChartEditorInput