PCM Development/EDP2/Visualization
EDP2 Visualization is an extensible plugin-project for Eclipse, which is required to display data provided in the structure of PCM_Development/EDP2. The whole project can be accessed via SVN: EDP2
If you have added all required plug-ins to your Eclipse Run-Configuration, you can display a repository's EDP2-Data by opening the *.edp2 file with the ExperimentData Model Editor. At the moment, the display of data is possible by double-clicking a RawMeasurements object in the generated EMF-Editor of EDP2. To find a RawMeasurements object, you may need to navigate through the data using the Selection- or Tree-View of the ExperimentData Model Editor.
An EDP2-repository containing example data can also be found in the SVN
The features of the final, complete visualization project will comprise the following:
- Eclipse-View for accessing and selecting EDP2-Data
- Different sources of data: HDD or recently created simulation data in the system memory.
- Eclipse-Editor to visualize experiments' results
- JFreeCharts
- Textual information and summary
- Evaluation using R
- Transformations and Adapters
- Structure to automatically find possible visualizations for the selected type of data
- Simple manipulation of data for improved visualization possibilities, e.g. Warmup-Filter
- Eclipse Properties-View
- Manipulation of transformation and visual properties
- Persistence of transformation and visual properties when eclipse is closed
- Usage of mechanisms provided by Eclipse
- Extension points
- Possibility of adding completely new ways of visualization
- Possibility of adding new transformations
- Possibility to customize visualization/transformation-sequences
Currently implemented
- JFreeChart editor
- Basic transformations
- Extension points
- Properties view and persistence
Extending the project
A guide on how a new visualization is created and added, is described in PCM Development/EDP2/Visualization/Create Custom View.