PCM 4.1

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Pcm-logo-stilisiert-44px.png Palladio Component Model tool version 4.1. PCM 4.1 is the current Palladio-Bench release (release date 04.10.2017).

Further installation instructions can be found at PCM Installation. For other revisions, see PCM Revisions

What's new / Release Notes


Graphical editors

The graphical editors have been migrated from GMF to Sirius and offer several new features.

  • Improved synchronization (no more: "file has changed, do you want to load the changes" and discard all unsaved changes from this diagram)
  • The label shown in the model explorer for the majority of elements corresponds the entityName of the element instead of its id
  • Allocation editor:
    • The Allocation editor now displays free floating AssemblyContexts and EventChannels that are not yet assigned to an AllocationContext with the possibility of dragging and dropping them to an AllocationContext
    • Invalid AllocationContexts (e.g. where the ResourceContainer is not specified) are still displayed but marked as invalid
  • System editor / Assembly editor:
    • The System editor has been renamed to Assembly Editor
    • Support of Architectural Templates and QoS Annotations
    • Double clicking an AssemblyContext of a CompositeComponent or a SubSystem opens the corresponding diagram of these elements
  • Repository Editor:
    • Added support of DataTypes (Composite- and CollectionDataType) and ResourceRequiredRole
  • ResourceEnvironment editor:
    • Nested ResourceContainers
    • Drag and Drop of ResourceContainers and ResourceSpecification
    • Support of Architectural Templates
  • SEFF editor:
    • Support of ResourceCall in InternalAction
    • Easy changing the target Interface of ExternalCalls by doubleclick


  • Simulizar runs can be canceled
  • SimuCom supports that active resources with processor sharing have more than one instance

Maintenance and Developer Frameworks

  • GMF editors are not part of drops anymore
  • Some outdated help content has been removed

Limitations / Known Issues


Eclipse Marketplace (Recommended)

To install the Palladio tooling via Eclipse Marketplace, visit https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/palladio-41-eclipse-4647-neonoxygen and drag the Install button to a running Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) Modeling Edition instance.

Release Update Site

You can easily install the Palladio Bench in an existing Eclipse Neon or Oxygen Modelling edition. The Palladio tooling is available at a central eclipse update site containing all known Palladio Core and Addon features. Direct your "Install new software" dialog at the Palladio Simulator update site. Then select any combination of Palladio Core, Addon or Support features.

Palladio Bench 4.1 Product Builds

Eclipse Neon based All-In-One products to run Palladio and its core features out of the box are provided under Palladio Bench download site. Just download the appropriate Zip file for your system and extract and run it like you would run a normal Eclipse installation. In case you need additional Palladio Features you can use the preconfigured "Install new software..." dialog with the Palladio Bench Update site selected.

Please don't use the built-in ZIP functionality of Windows OS - it is known to cause problems with Eclipse ZIP files. Instead, try 7zip or alternatives.

You need Java SE Platform (JDK) 8 or higher in order to run Palladio-Bench.


Palladio comes with a Palladio Project Wizard providing templates for models to start with. Use "New Project -> Palladio Project" enter a project name and pick one of the provided example template projects.

Notes on migrating PCM Models from PCM 4.1.0

Note that some namespaces have changed:

  1. PCM: "5.1" to "5.2"

Migration is possible via a nice regular expression using Eclipse->Search->File

  1. Check "Regular expression"
  2. Pattern: *.*
  3. Scope: Workspace
  4. Hit "Replace"

Next, enter the following:

Migration scripts for Windows and Mac at PCM Model Migration#4.0 to 4.1
