PCM 4.0

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Pcm-logo-stilisiert-44px.png Palladio Component Model tool version 4.0. PCM 4.0 is the latest Palladio-Bench release (release date 06.11.2015).

Further installation instructions can be found at PCM Installation. For other revisions, see PCM Revisions

What's new / Release Notes


  1. Support for Eclipse Luna and Eclipse Mars.
  2. EDP2 comes as new feature to support storage, evaluation, and presentation of experiment data. EDP2 is realized using EMF and replaces the now deprecated Sensorframework.
  3. ProtoCom supports Java EE Servlets. Prototypes can now be generated for SAP Hana Cloud as target environments and directly be set into operation.
  4. PCM elements are now CDO-enabled, enabling advanced storing options for these elements.
  5. PCM has now a dedicated stereotyping mechanism, allowing to attach custom model annotations. For more information please refer to MDSDProfiles.
  6. SimuLizar, an interpreter-based simulation with support for self-adaptive PCM models, is part of the release as an optional add-on.
  7. Experiment Automation enables users to conduct a set of Palladio simulation runs for varying parameters. It is part of the release as an optional add-on.
  8. The current LQN Solver version 5.8-6 and the LINE solver are now supported (see PCM2LQN).

Maintenance and Developer Frameworks

  1. Changed Java name space to "org.palladiosimulator" in several projects (e.g., most core and analyzer projects). Most crucially, the name space of the PCM itself was changed accordingly
  2. Same as above holds also for metamodel namespaces / URIs (e.g., moved from "http://sdq.ipd.uka.de/PalladioComponentModel" to "http://palladiosimulator.org/PalladioComponentModel")
  3. The underlying measurement and analysis framework for all Palladio analyzers (solver, SimuCom, ...) has completely been refactored
    1. Pipes & Filters was removed
    2. Sensorframework is marked as deprecated (use EDP2 now)
    3. All analysis data is typed via the Metric Specification Framework
  4. SimuCom code generation is now based on xtend

Known Bugs


Eclipse Marketplace (Recommended)

Release Update Site

You can easily install the Palladio Bench in an existing Eclipse Luna or Eclipse Mars Modelling edition. The Palladio tooling is available at a central eclipse update site containing all known Palladio Core and Addon features. Direct your "Install new software" dialog at the Palladio Simulator update site. Then select any combination of Palladio Core, Addon or Support features.

Palladio Bench 4.0 Product Builds

Eclipse Luna based All-In-One products to run Palladio and its core features out of the box are provided under Palladio Bench download site. Just download the appropriate Zip file for your system and extract and run it like you would run a normal Eclipse installation. In case you need additional Palladio Features you can use the preconfigured "Install new software..." dialog with the Palladio Bench Update site selected.

Please don't use the built-in ZIP functionality of Windows OS - it is known to cause problems with Eclipse ZIP files. Instead, try 7zip or alternatives.

You need Java SE Platform (JDK) 7 or higher in order to run Palladio-Bench.


Palladio comes with a Palladio Project Wizard providing templates for models to start with. Use "New Project -> Palladio Project" enter a project name and pick one of the provided example template projects.

Notes on migrating PCM Models (from PCM 3.5.0 or PCM Nightly)

Note that some namespaces have changed:

  1. PCM: "http://sdq.ipd.uka.de/PalladioComponentModel" to "http://palladiosimulator.org/PalladioComponentModel"
  2. PCM: "5.0" to "5.1"
  3. EDP2: "0.9.1" and "0.9.2" to "1.0"
  4. Stochastic Expressions: "2.1" to "2.2"

Migration is possible via a nice regular expression using Eclipse->Search->File

  1. Check "Regular expression"
  2. Pattern: *.*
  3. Scope: Workspace
  4. Hit "Replace"

Next, enter the following:

Proceed analogously with the following replacements:

Migration scripts for Windows and Mac at PCM Model Migration#3.5 to 4.0

Notes on migrating legacy client plugins

If you have any plugins you want to get ready for the upcoming Palladio 4.0 release, and which not part of our centrally maintained codebase and build infrastructure, you have to migrate your code or extension models. The major migration steps are

  1. Migrate import statements. One way to do this is to first replace the dependency to "de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm" with "org.palladiosimulator.pcm". Repeat the process for other renamed plugins. Afterwards, run and Source->Organize imports which should resolve almost 90% of issues. Problems arise with ambiguous types like System, Role, or Entity. Here, you have to fix the imports manually.
  2. Migrate ecore files. In case you have created Ecore models by importing the PCM ecore file, first open your ecore and genmodel files and replace the references to "de.uka.ipd.sdq.pcm" with "org.palladiosimulator.pcm". Afterwards, open the genmodel, validate it, activate code cleanup and formatting in the settings and rerun the generator. Finally, adapt any generated not parts as described unter "Migrate import statements".
  3. As most Palladio models' code now has been generated to support CDO via dynamic feature delegation, you should now re-generate all code of your models that extend these Palladio models to use dynamic feature delegation. The easiest way to achieve this is by right-clicking your *.genmodel file and selecting "CDO" -> "Migrate EMF Generator Model (dynamic feature delegation)". Then, simply re-generate your model and edit code.


  1. Some users reported problems in opening (old) PCM models. Before filing a bug, try instantiating a new diagram based on a migrated model. If that worked, the old diagram files was corrupted, most likely due to Namespace changed (manually trying to migrate those diagrams is also an option; however, we did not test this option).