PCM 3.0
Palladio Component Model tool release 3.0. Released on 2008-11-15. This page includes an installation guide for the PCM 3.0 tools. See PCM Releases for the latest release.
What's new
- Improved stability
- Improved user convenience
- Plugins for LQN solver support included
- Improved structure of the PCM meta model
- Extended support of multi-core CPUs
- Option to run simulations in parallel on multiple servers
- Sensorframework now supports very large amounts of sensor data through a new File-Provider
PCM 3.0 as an all-in-one "Drop"
PCM stable, Version 3.0, Win32 (ZIP) including example workspace (MediaStore) and PCM Solver; for LQN support install LQN Solvers/Simulation (2008-11-15)
The drop is password-protected, but feel free to contact us if you are interested in it. To install a drop, simply unzip it. Please don't use the built-in ZIP functionality of Windows OS - it is known to cause problems with Eclipse ZIP files. Instead, try 7zip or alternatives.
Installation through update site
The 3.0 release of the PCM tool suite is based on Eclipse 3.3.2 (Europa), minimum is a fall 2 build (Nov 2007). Execute the following steps to get started with the PCM tools:
- Install Java SE JDK 6
- Install Eclipse SDK 3.3.2 from official Eclipse download site.
- Start Eclipse. Select Help/Software Updates/Find and Install...
- Select Search for new features to install
- Click New Remote Site in the following dialogue. Enter name Palladio and the following URL:
- PCM 3.0 stable update site
- Click OK after entering the URL.
- Click New Remote Site again. Enter name openArchitectureWare and URL http://www.openarchitectureware.org/updatesite/milestone and click OK
- Tick the Europa Discovery Site, openArchitectureWare and Palladio Update Sites and click Finish
- If asked for an update mirror for Europa, select one near to you (e.g., SWITCHmirror in Switzerland)
- In the next dialogue, tick the following packages (note that errors/warnings will disappear after clicking Select Required after completing the selection, as described below)
- Europa/Enabling Features/Eclipse Project Equinox bundle feature
- Europa/Graphical Editors and Frameworks/Graphical Editing Framework <current_version> [aka GEF]
- Europa/Models and Model Development/Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) <current_version>
- Europa/Models and Model Development/Graphical Modeling Framework (Europa Edition) <current_version> [aka GMF]
- openArchitectureWare/Classic/Core Feature
- openArchitectureWare/Classic/Core Plugins Feature
- openArchitectureWare/Classic/StdLib Feature
- Palladio/CBSE Modeling
- afterwards click Select Required - errors and warning should disappear automatically as dependencies are resolved
- Acknowledge all following licensing questions
- The necessary packages should now be installed automatically on your system.
Installing R statistics tool for usage with PCM
For updated R installation instructions for current PCM versions, see R Statistics for PCM.
The PCM tool suite with version 3.0 supports further data visualization and analysis in conjunction with the statistics tool R. The following step-by-step instructions aid in enabling the link between R and the PCM on Windows:
- Install version 2.6.1 (Unix, Windows) of R (Note: do not install R version >2.6.1!)
- Within R use the menu package and sub-menu install package to install the package rJava
- Put the bin directory of your R installation in your systems path environment variable.
- Configure your eclipse PCM installation to enable R support:
- Insert a line into the eclipse.ini in the directory of your eclipse installation that sets the java.library.path to the directory containing the file jri.dll. This dynamic linked library is part of rJava and necessary to enable the communication between the PCM and R. Assuming the path to your R installation is C:\Programme\R\R-2.6.1 you would therefore have to enter the line -Djava.library.path=C:\Programme\R\R-2.6.1\library\rJava\jri. Please note that the line is not allowed to show quotation marks, even if there are spaces in the path to your local R installation, otherwise the connection cannot be established and an error will be shown that the library could not be found.
Enabling LQN Solvers / LQN Simulations in PCM
For using LQN Solver or LQN Simulation in version 3.0, you need to install the corresponding plugins: cf. Install instructions for PCM2LQN
PCM Meta Model documentation
A snapshot of the HTML documentation for the PCM 3.0 meta model is available here: Generated Model Documentation, 3.0
Migration PCM 2.x to PCM 3.0
File formats and meta model between PCM 2.x and PCM 3.0 has changed. You cannot use old models or Sensorframework serialisations within the new version.
Detailled Installataion Guide
Please find a detailled installation guide at PCM Installation. For other revisions see PCM Revisions. Guide for using the MediaStore example from the drop.