Liste von relevanten Konferenzen/Workshops/Journals
Im folgenden werden Deadlines und Beschreibungen der Konferenzen, Workshops und Zeitschriften gelistet, die für unser Forschungsfeld besonders relevant sind (kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit):
Im folgenden werden Beschreibungen der Konferenzen, Workshops und Zeitschriften gelistet, die für unser Forschungsfeld besonders relevant sind (kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit). Unter Deadlines können zusätzlich noch die Deadlines in einer sortierbaren Tabelle gepflegt werden. Da es hier keine zentrale Koordinierung gibt, wächst die Liste allerdings nur bei Bedarf.
Semantische Tabelle (im Aufbau)
Ranking | Name | Zusammenfassung | Instanzen |
ARES | International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security | ARES 2015 | |
A | ASE | Automated Software Engineering Conference | ASE 2010 ASE 2014 ASE 2016 ASE 2022 |
CBSE | International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering. Merged into ICSA starting from 2017 | CBSE 2015 | |
CORE A | CSF | The Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) is an annual symposium for researchers in computer security and privacy, to develop and examine theories of security and privacy, to build the formal models that provide a context for those theories, and to study techniques for verifying, analyzing, and implementing security and privacy. | |
CompArch | Federated event with CBSE and QoSA and in some years others. Merged into ICSA starting from 2017 | CompArch 2013 CompArch 2014 CompArch 2015 | |
very good | DSN | Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) | DSN 2015 |
ECMFA | European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications | ECMFA 2013 ECMFA 2017 ECMFA 2022 ECMFA 2023 | |
A | ECOOP | (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming): Europäisches Pendant zur OOPSLA. | ECOOP 2013 ECOOP 2014 |
A | ECSA | European Conference of Software Architecture | ECSA 2010 ECSA 2011 ECSA 2014 ECSA 2015 ECSA 2016 ECSA 2019 ECSA 2021 ECSA 2022 ECSA 2023 |
A | ESEC/FSE | European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering | ESEC/FSE 2013 ESEC/FSE 2019 |
ESSoS | International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS) | ESSoS 2015 ESSoS 2016 | |
A | ETAPS | European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software: Sammelkonferenz zu SE-Themen | ETAPS 2014 ETAPS 2016 ETAPS 2017 |
ICEIS | International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems | ICEIS 2015 | |
B (CORE2013, 2018) | ICMT | International Conference on Model Transformation | ICMT 2013 ICMT 2016 ICMT 2017 ICMT 2019 |
ICPE | ACM/SPEC International Conference of Performance Engineering | ICPE 2015 ICPE 2014 ICPE 2023 | |
A like WICSA | ICSA | International Conference on Software Architecture. ICSA is the integration of WICSA and CompArch. ICSA will extend the WICSA history and tradition as the premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in finding out about and improving the state of practice of software Architecture. ICSA will also extend the CompArch history (and its constituent events CBSE and QoSA), of designing component-based systems and analyzing the quality of architectures | ICSA 2017 ICSA 2019 ICSA 2024 |
A | ICSE | International Conference on Software Engineering. Die größte Software-Engineering Konferenz der Welt. (Annahmequote ca. 15%) | ICSE 2010 ICSE 2011 ICSE 2014 ICSE 2015 ICSE 2020 |
ISSEP | International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives | ISSEP 2022 | |
A | ITiCSE | Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education | ITiCSE 2022 ITiCSE DC 2022 |
A | MODELS | International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems | MODELS 2014 MODELS 2015 MODELS 2016 MODELS 2017 MODELS 2018 MODELS 2019 MODELS 2020 MODELS 2022 MODELS 2023 |
MODELSWARD | The purpose of MODELSWARD is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in using models and model driven engineering techniques for Software Development. | MODELSWARD 2014 MODELSWARD 2015 MODELSWARD 2019 | |
Modellierung | Modellierung 2014 Modellierung 2016 | ||
A (CORE2013) | Modularity | The Modularity conference series was formerly known as AOSD (Aspect Oriented Software Development) conference series and deals with all approaches that foster modularity in Software Engineering. | Modularity 2014 |
A | OOPSLA | Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications: Große, nordamerikanische Konferenz über OO-Themen. | |
B (QSIC) | QRS | In 2015, the SERE conference (IEEE International Conference on Software Security and Reliability) and the QSIC conference (IEEE International Conference on Quality Software) were combined into a single conference, QRS, with Q representing Quality, R for Reliability, and S for Security, sponsored by the IEEE Reliability Society. | QRS 2016 |
A | RE Conference | IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference | RE 2016 RE 2023 RE 2024 |
B | REFSQ | International Working Conference on Requirement Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality | REFSQ 2024 |
SE | The conference series SE is the german-speaking conference on Software Engineering of the German Chapter of the ACM (Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI)). | SE 2014 | |
SEKE | International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | SEKE 2015 | |
B (CORE2018) | SLE | SLE is devoted to the engineering principles of software languages: their design, their implementation, and their evolution. | SLE 2014 SLE 2017 |
Symposium on Software Performance | The Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) brings together researchers and practitioners interested in software performance, where "performance" is understood both in a classical sense as “the amount of useful work accomplished by a software system compared to the time and resources used”, as well as in a broader sense as "the manner in which or the efficiency with which a software system reacts or fulfills its intended purpose". | Symposium on Software Performance 2012 Symposium on Software Performance 2011 Symposium on Software Performance 2021 Symposium on Software Performance 2022 Symposium on Software Performance 2023 | |
WCOP | Doctoral Symposium | WCOP 2013 WCOP 2015 | |
B | WSC | The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) is a conference specialized on system simulations. | WSC 2014 |
WSRE | Workshop Software-Reengineering & -Evolution | WSRE 2023 | |
WiPSCE | Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education | WiPSCE 2022 |
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Software Engineering allgemein
Ranking | Konferenz |
A | 1. ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering): Die größte Software-Engineering Konferenz der Welt. (Annahmequote ca. 15%) 2009 2008 2007 2006 |
A | 2. OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications): Große, nordamerikanische Konferenz über OO-Themen. (mit vergangenen Jahren...) |
A | 3. ECOOP (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming): Europäisches Pendant zur OOPSLA. |
A | 4. ETAPS (European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software): Sammelkonferenz zu SE-Themen 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 |
B |
? |
A | 5. ESEC/FSE (European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering): 2009 2008 2007 2006 |
A-C (Core2013) | 6. EUROMICRO: Sammelkonferenz |
C (Core2013) |
B |
B | 7. SE (Konferenz der GI: Software Engineering) Größte deutsche Software-Engineering Konferenz. (Annahmequote ca. 30%, Einreichung 12 Seiten, LNI) 2009 2008 2007 2006 |
A | 8. ASE (Automated Software Engineering) IEEE Proceedings Alle Jahre |
C (CORE2013) | 9. ICSEA (International Conference on Software Engineering Advances) IEEE digital library publication 2008 (Seit 2011 ThinkMind digital library (open access)) |
? | 10. ICSP (International Conference on Software Process) IEEE Proceedings |
? | 11. RCIS (International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science) IEEE Proceedings |
? | 12. ISEC (India Software Engineering Conference) ACM Proceedings |
? | 13. APSEC (Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference) IEEE Proceedings Beijing/China, |
? | 14. PASTE (ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering) ACM Proceedings |
? | 15. SEC(R) ( Software Engineering Conference (Russia) ) IEEE Proceedings, |
A | 16. ESEM (International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement) IEEE Proceedings |
? | 17. SERA (International Conference on Software Engineering Research Management and Applications) IEEE Proceedings |
? | 18. ICSOFT (International Conference on Software and Data Technologies) IEEE Proceedings |
? | 19. TESTCOM/FATES (IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems and International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software) IFIP Proceedings |
? | 20. FORTE (IFIP WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems) IFIP Proceedings |
? | 21. DisCoTec (DisCoTec Series of Federated Conferences) IFIP Proceedings |
A | 22. ICSR (International Conference on Software Reuse) IEEE Proceedings |
B | 23. FASE (Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering Conference) IEEE Proceedings |
? | 24. SwSTE (IEEE International Conference on Software Science Technology and Engineering) IEEE Proceedings |
? | 25. QSIC (International Conference on Quality Software) |
Software Engineering themenspezifisch
Ranking | Konferenz |
A | 1. CBSE (International SIGSOFT Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering): (Annahmequote ca. 30%, Einreichung 8/16 Seiten, LNCS) 2008 2007 2006 |
A | 2. QoSA (International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures):(Annahmequote ca. 40%, Einreichung 8/16 Seiten, LNCS) 2008 2007 2006 2005 |
A | 3. WICSA (Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture): Weltweit führende Konferenz über Software-Architekturen. (Einreichung, 10 Seiten, IEEE Format) |
B+ | 4. ECSA (European Conference on Software Architecture): (Einreichung 16 Seiten, LNCS) |
A | 5. MoDELS (International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems): (Einreichung 15 Seiten, LNCS) |
A | 6. ACM SIGMETRICS (International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems): (Einreichung 12, ACM) 2008 |
A | 7. ECMDA-FA (European Conference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications): (Einreichung 12-15 Seiten, LNCS) |
A | 8. VALUETOOLS (International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools): (Einreichung 8 Seiten, ACM) |
A | 9. PERFORMANCE (International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements, and Evaluation ): (Einreichung bis zu 22 Seiten, ACM-Format) 2008 2007 2006 |
A | 10. CONCUR (International Conference on Concurrency Theory): (Einreichung 16 Seiten, LNCS) 20092008 2007 |
A | 11. QEST (International Conference on Quantitative System Evaluation): (Einreichung 10 Seiten, IEEE) |
A | 12. ESM European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM): |
B+ | 13. Modellierung 2008 |
A | 14. ESEM International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (Einreichung 10 Seiten ACM) |
A | 15. ISPASS IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (Einreichung 8 Seiten IEEE) |
A | 16. ECMS EUROPEAN Conference on Modelling and Simulation (Einreichung 7 Seiten IEEE) |
A | 17. IISWC IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (Einreichung 8 Seiten IEEE) |
A | 18. MASCOTS Annual Meeting of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (Einreichung 10 Seiten IEEE) 2009 |
A | 19. EPEW European Performance Engineering Workshop (Einreichung 15 Seiten LNCS) 2009 |
A | 20. ICSM IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (Einreichung 10 Seiten IEEE) 2009 |
B | 21. GPCE (International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering) ACM Proceedings |
A | 22. RE (International Requirements Engineering Conference) IEEE Proceedings |
A | 23. MODELS ( ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems) ACM/IEEE Proceedings |
A | 24. ICMT (International Conference on Model Transformation) IEEE Proceedings |
B | 25. PROMISE (International Conference on Predictor Models in Software Engineering) IEEE Proceedings |
A | 26. ISSTA (International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis) ACM Proceedings |
A | 27. CG (Code Generation Conference) IEEE Proceedings |
A | 28. ICST (International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation) IEEE Proceedings |
A | 29. ISSRE (International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering) IEEE Proceedings |
A | 30. WCRE (Working Conference on Reverse Engineering) IEEE Proceedings |
B+ | 31. SPLC (International Software Product Line Conference) IEEE Proceedings |
A | 33. CONQUEST (International Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology) |
A | 34. QSIC (International Conference on Quality Software) IEEE Proceedings |
A | 35. ECMDA (European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications)LNCS Proceedings |
A | 36. CSMR (European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering)IEEE Proceedings |
? | 37. SSIRI (International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement) |
? | 38. ICPE (ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering) |
- List of Conferences that include Software Metrics Topics:
Ranking | Workshop |
A | 1. WOSP (Workshop on Software Performance): (Annahmequote ca. 30%, Einreichung 12 Seiten, IEEE-Format) |
? | 2. WCOP @ ECOOP (Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming): (Einreichung 8 Seiten, beliebiges Format) 2008 2007 2006 2005 |
? | 3. WCAT @ ECOOP (Workshop on Coordination and Adaptation Techniques for Software Entities): Veranstaltet u.a. von Steffen Becker. |
? | 4. FESCA @ ETAPS (Formal Foundations of Embedded Software and Component-Based Software Architectures): Veranstaltet von Ralf, Iman und Juliane. |
? | 5. SC @ ETAPS (Symposium on Software Composition): |
? | 6. EPEW (European Performance Engineering Workshop): (Einreichung 15 Seiten, LNCS), u.a. Formale Modellierung mit SPN, SPA, QNs, Markov Ketten. |
? | 7. FACS (Formal Aspects of Component Software): (Einreichung 15 Seiten, ENTCS) |
? | 8. WOMP (Workshop on Middleware and Performance): (Einreichung 10 Seiten, LNCS) |
? | 9. UKPEW (UK Performing Engineering Workshop): (Einreichung 8 Seiten), 2008:, 2007: |
? | 10. SAVCBS (Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems): (Einreichung 8 Seiten, ACM) |
? | 11. PASTA (Workshop on Process Algebra and Stochastically Timed Activities): (Einreichung 5 Seiten) |
? | 12. PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation: 2009:, 2008: (extended list here) |
A | 13. SIPEW SPEC International Performance Evaluation Workshop (Einreichung 20 Seiten, LNCS) |
? | 14. IWSSA International Workshop On System/Software Architectures, LNCS 2008: Deadline Abstract June 22th (extended), 2008 |
? | 15. ENFINES International Workshop on Engineering Non-Functional INformation for Emerging Systems First time in 2008, proceedings published by the IEEE CS Press |
? | 16. IWODSS International Workshop On Dependable Services and Systems First time in 2010 |
? | 17. SERENE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems First time in 2009 |
? | 18. SQM International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability |
? | 19. QUOVADIS International Workshop on Quantitative Stochastic Models in the Verification and Design of Software Systems First time in 2010 |
? | 20. DSN/WADS Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems |
? | 21. ModComp 2014 Workshop on Model-driven Engineering for Component-based Systems |
Einstiegspunkt zu weiteren Zeitschriften: DBLP-Bereich
Current Contents nach Thomson Reuters: Computer Science & Engineering - JOURNAL LIST and Information Technology & Communications Systems - JOURNAL LIST
Sources for impact factor: or the journal's own web sites (use with caution!)
Google Scholar Journal Ranking for Software Engineering and Performance.
Ranking | Journal | Impact Factor (Year) | H-Index (2005-2010) |
A | 1. IEEE TSE (Transactions on Software Engineering): Zitat: "It is widely considered to be the leading journal in this field." |
3.750 (2009), 2.216 (2010), 1.516 (2016) | 51 (52 in 2011-2015) |
A | 2. ACM TOSEM (Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology): |
3.958 (2008), 2.029 (2009), 1.694 (2010), 1.513 (2015) | 26 |
B+ | 3. Elsevier JSS (Journal of Systems and Software): |
1.340 (2009), 1.277 (2010), 0.836 (2011), 1.135 (2012), 1.245 (2013), 1.424 (2015) | 34 |
A | 4. Elsevier PE (Performance Evaluation) : Formale Modelle wie Queueing Networks, Markov-Modelle, etc. |
1.560 (2010), 0.791 (2011), 0.888 (2013), 0.944 (2015) | 34 |
A | Elsevier RESS (Reliability Engineering & System Safety): |
2.498 (2016) | 45 (2011-2015) |
B+ | 5. Springer SoSyM (Journal on Software and Systems Modeling) |
1.533 (2009), 1.269 (2010), 1.061 (2011), 0.990 (2015) | 31 |
A | 6. Springer EMSE (Journal on Empirical Software Engineering):' |
1.612 (2009), 1.393 (2015) | 23 |
B+ | 7. Software Quality Journal (Springer) : |
0.787 (2015) | 15 |
B+ | 8. Elsevier Advances in Engineering Software (Elsevier) : |
1.045 (?), 1.673 (2015) | 17 |
? | 9. Distributed Computing Journal (Springer) : |
? | 30 |
? | 10. JSA (Journal of Systems Architecture )(Elsevier) : |
0.444 (2011) | 19 |
? | 11. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability(John Wiley & Sons) : |
? | 14 |
? | 12. Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice(John Wiley & Sons) : |
? | 16 |
? | 13. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience(John Wiley &
Sons) : |
0.942 (2015) | 39 |
? | 14. IEEE TDSC (Transactions on Dependable and Secure Comupting) |
1.592 (2015) | 29 |
? | 15. Science of Computer Programming |
0.622 (2011) | ? |
? | ?. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS) |
? | ? |
Other rankings are Software Engineering Journals and Computer Science Journal Rankings.
To keep track of new journal publications, use the notification service of the publishers. Springer, IEEE, ACM, and Elsevier allow you to register for journals and get notified by email as soon as new issues appear. The emails often contain already the titles of the new papers, so it is easy and quick to check whether something interesting is there. Check the publishers web sites for more information.
Rankings and Metrics
Impact Factor
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