LLM-based Architecture Design Decision Analysis for Software Evolution

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Typ Bachelorarbeit oder Masterarbeit
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Haoyu Liu (E-Mail: haoyu.liu@kit.edu), Tobias Hey (E-Mail: hey@kit.edu, Telefon: +49-721-608-44765)

Background: Modern open source software development is continuous and collaborative. Developers review and discuss code changes through written communication channels, such as issue tracking and code review systems. They are rich sources for capturing design decisions and arguments, able to aid in understanding and maintaining the code base.

Motivation: Among these, changes at the software architectural level are particularly significant due to their broad impact on the system. Previous research has focused on identifying discussions related to software architecture. However, questions remain about the nature of these discussions: What do developers talk about when they address architectu- ral issues? How aware are they of the architectural implications of their changes?

Task Description To explore existing linguistic techniques to analyze architectural discussions. To examine the outcomes to understand how developers discuss architecture. Identify the differences between architectural and non-architectural design discussions To interpret result and suggest enhancements to communication tools or processes for better supporting architectural discussions