Integration of Triple Graph Grammars in Vitruvius

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Ausschreibung (Liste aller Ausschreibungen)
Vitruvianischer Mann.jpg Typ Bachelorarbeit oder Masterarbeit
Aushang 2024-04 BA-MA Integration of Triple Graph Grammars in Vitruvius.pdf
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Lars König (E-Mail:


During the software development process, many different artifacts, such as requirements, software architecture, behavioral specifications and source code, are created. To efficiently build the described system, all of these artifacts should provide a consistent description of the system. Vitruvius is a framework for the semi-automatically consistency preservation of model-based development artifacts. In Vitruvius, the rules describing how different artifacts should be kept consistent are written in specialized consistency preservation languages.


In contrast to specialized consistency preservation languages, there are also formalized general-purpose model transformation languages, such as Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs), which make it easier to specify complex relations. While both kinds of languages can react to changes in the involved models, they use different representations for the changes. The goal of this thesis is therefore to investigate how atomic model changes (Vitruvius) can be converted to graph patterns (TGGs) and vice versa.

In order to achieve this, you will:

  • Research existing strategies for complex change detection
  • Implement a prototype for the conversion between model changes and graph patterns
  • Perform an evaluation of your prototype with a model-based case study

In addition to our framework, Vitruvius, your prototype will build on Java and EMF.


  • Work with innovative cutting-edge technologies
  • Close connection to ongoing research projects
  • Excellent working environment and intensive support (German or English)