Feature Annotated Reactions Language

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B04-ba-150-2025.svg Typ Masterarbeit
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Erik Burger (E-Mail: burger@kit.edu, Telefon: +49-721-608-45765)


In the context of the Collaborative Research Centre “Convide” (SFB 1608), the Vitruvius approach is used to define cyber-physical systems with connected, heterogeneous models in different modelling languages. Consistency between this models is defined in the declarative Reactions language[1], which currently neither supports variability modelling nor product lines, a concept that is heavily used in the development of modern automobiles, trains, and other so-called cyber-physical systems.

Thus, the Reactions language should be extended by presence conditions/feature annotations, to enable modelling and analysis of consistency for specific model variants (feature configurations).


You will extend the Reactions language to support feature annotations (presence conditions, either for a full reaction or for parts of a reaction. This will likely also need feature annotated 150 % metamodels. You will evaluate your implementation with feature annotated model instances and reactions, and check if consistency is correctly preserved for all possible model variants that can be configured according to the feature model.


  • Basic knowledge of software engineering tools (git, Java, Maven)
  • Interest in advanced software development methods
  • Experience in Model-driven Software Development or Software Product Line Engineering is favourable, but not necessary


  1. Heiko Klare, Max E. Kramer, Michael Langhammer, Dominik Werle, Erik Burger, Ralf Reussner: Enabling consistency in view-based system development — The Vitruvius approach, Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 171, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2020.110815.