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Liste der Ergebnisse
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-01-08#Daniel Augustin + (Bridging the Gap: A Development Approach for Seamless Teacher-Developer Collaboration in E-Learning)
- Lerngruppe/2024-11-6 + (Building EMF Projects without Eclipse/Tycho)
- SDQ-Seminar/2021-10-25#Sebastian Weber + (Co-Simulation von Hardware und Software im Palladio Komponentenmodell)
- Lerngruppe/2023-10-11 + (CodeQL)
- SDQ-Seminar/2019-07-01#Mazen Ebada + (Combined Data Flow And Control Flow Modeling in Software Architectures)
- SDQ-Seminar/2022-07-11#Tim Schmack + (Combining Architectural Analyses based on Attacker Models)
- SDQ-Seminar/2021-03-08#Martin Armbruster + (Commit-based Continuous Integration of Performance Models)
- SDQ-Seminar/2023-09-25#Patrick Mehl + (Comparison of Meta-Model Architectures in Evolution Scenarios)
- SDQ-Seminar/2023-08-28#Vincent LIM + (Comparison of Model Query Paradigms for View Generation)
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-01-15#Melisa Demirhan + (Concept and Implementation of a Delta Chain)
- SDQ-Seminar/2022-12-12#Alp Toraç Genç + (Concept of an interface for standards for co-simulation of hardware and software)
- SDQ-Seminar/2023-07-03#Nikolai Prjanikov + (Conception and Design of Privacy-preserving Software Architecture Patterns)
- SDQ-Seminar/2023-01-09#Simeon Becker + (Consistency Preservation between Input Models for Architecture-based and Code-based Static Security Analyses)
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2023-10-09#Ian Winter + (Context Generation for Code and Architecture Changes Using Large Language Models)
- SDQ-Seminar/2020-06-08#Thomas Lieb + (Context-Based Policy Generation from Usage-Diagrams)
- SDQ-Seminar/2019-05-13#Jonathan Schenkenberger + (Context-based confidentiality analysis in dynamic Industry 4.0 scenarios)
- Lerngruppe/2024-01-17 + (Continuing to Catch Up with State of the Art Continuous Integration Pipelines in Palladio)
- SDQ-Seminar/2022-08-08#Lukas Burgey + (Continuous Integration of Performance Models for a Lua-Based Industrial Application)
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-08-12#Juan Saenz + (Continuous Integration of architectural Performance Models for Lua Applications)
- Lerngruppe/2020-05-27 + (Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and their application areas: Pitfalls and Opportunities)
- SDQ-Seminar/2022-01-24#Quang Dao + (Coreference Resolution for Traceability Link Recovery)
- Lerngruppe/2016-12-14 + (Customizable EMF-Forms)
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-02-12#Jonas Kaspar + (Decomposing Model-based Analyses -- Processes and Guidelines)
- SDQ-Seminar/2019-05-13#Aurélien Pepin + (Decomposition of Relations for Multi-model Consistency Preservation)
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-01-15#Thorben Willimek + (Definition einer Referenzarchitektur für organisationsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit in modellbasierten Entwicklungsprozessen zur Wahrung des geistigen Eigentums)
- Lerngruppe/2017-04-05 + (DeltaEcore & CVL)
- SDQ-Seminar/2020-12-14#Jan Wittler + (Derivation of Fine-Grained Change Sequences from State-Based Deltas of XML Files for Model Consistency)
- SDQ-Seminar/2020-01-13#Lukas Hennig + (Describing Consistency Relations of Multiple Models with Commonalities)
- SDQ-Seminar/2021-05-10#Oliver Liu + (Design Space Evaluation for Confidentiality under Architectural Uncertainty)
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-11-11#Niklas Brüning + (Design-time optimization of runtime adaptation strategies using evolutionary algorithms)
- SDQ-Seminar/2019-02-11#Johannes Grün + (Development of an Approach to Describe and Compare Simulators)
- Lerngruppe/2024-12-4 + (Docker)
- SDQ-Seminar/2019-11-25#Sebastian Hahner + (Domain-Specific Language for Data-Driven Design Time Analyses and Result Mappings for Logic Programs)
- SDQ-Seminar/2018-02-12#Peter Schuller + (Dynamische Anpassung des Nutzungsverhaltens von Dienst-APIs)
- SDQ-Proposal-Seminar/2024-11-04#Steffen Schmitt + (Dynamisches Speichermanagement in großen modellbasierten Java-Anwendungen)
- SDQ-Seminar/2019-08-12#Alexander Wank + (EFAIL: Mitlesen von vertraulichen E-Mails)
- Lerngruppe/2015-08-12 + (EMF Databinding)
- Lerngruppe/2016-06-29 + (EastADL)
- Lerngruppe/2020-06-10 + (Eclipse 0–100)
- Lerngruppe/2020-07-22 + (Eclipse 0–100 2 - This time it's personal)
- SDQ-Seminar/2018-05-14#Jonas Kunz + (Efficient Data Flow Constraint Analysis)
- Lerngruppe/2019-11-13 + (Efficient Scientific I)
- Lerngruppe/2020-01-08 + (Efficient Scientific II)
- Lerngruppe/2021-11-24 + (Efficient Systematic Literature Reviews)
- SDQ-Seminar/2023-06-19#Dennis Steinbuch + (Ein Ansatz zur Traceability Link Recovery für natürlichsprachliche Software-Dokumentation und Quelltext)
- SDQ-Seminar/2021-06-21#Kai Marquardt + (Ein Rahmenwerk für Evaluierung von Interdisziplinären Lerneinheiten für den Informatikunterricht)
- SDQ-Seminar/2020-11-09#Fabian Scheytt + (Ein modellbasierter Ansatz zur Bewertung der Vollständigkeit von verzahnten Sicherheits- und Risikoanalysen für E/E-Architekturen)
- SDQ-Seminar/2018-06-11#Daniel Weißer + (Einbindung eines EDA-Programms zur Erstellung elektronischer Leiterplatten in das Vitruvius-Framework)
- SDQ-Seminar/2017-11-13#Inna Belyantseva + (Eine Domänenspezifische Sprache für Änderungsausbreitungsregeln)
- Lerngruppe/2023-04-26 + (Einführung in Funktionalitäten des Samsung Flip Pro für Lehre, Meetings und Forschung)
- Lerngruppe/2019-05-29 + (Einführung in Markov-Modelle und ihre Anwendung am Beispiel von Selbst-Adaptiven Software Systemen)