PCM Development/Palladio Development Toolkit

Aus SDQ-Wiki

This site lists a set of tools, bundles or libraries that are useful in the context of PCM development.

Such tools may include

  • programmatically checking out PCM projects
  • programmatically creating / altering PCM model instances
  • programmatically creating PCM analysis run configurations
  • programmatically launching PCM analysis run configurations
  • programmatically obtaining PCM analysis results

Feel free to add your tool to the list.

Tool Name Description Contact person Repository Location To Do
Create test launch scripts Scans a directory for bundles that contain launch configs ending with ".tests.launch". These files are added to a script for running JUnit tests with Emma. Benjamin / Grischa TBD Add repository location, add documentation
Launch multiple launch configs Creates a new type of launch config that allows to select several SimuCo or PerOpteryx or LQNSolver runs to be executed in a batch. Anne Koziolek https://svnserver.informatik.kit.edu/i43/svn/code/WorkflowEngine/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.launchmultiple
Palladio Experiment Automation Launches simulation runs from command line or Eclipse. It is based on an experiment description (EMF model) comparable to an Eclipse run configuration, but without a means to use run configurations directly or to translate them into the expected input format. Also, manipulation of PCM models is possible by means of various variation strategies. Philipp see product page
PerOpteryx Optimization Framework Launches SimuCom simulation runs programatically (see https://svnserver.informatik.kit.edu/i43/svn/code/Palladio/Addons/PerOpteryx/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.dsexplore.analysis.simucom/src/de/uka/ipd/sdq/dsexplore/analysis/simucom/SimuComAnalysis.java method "analyse"). Reads some performance metric results from Sensorframework into Klaus' result decorator model (see https://svnserver.informatik.kit.edu/i43/svn/code/Palladio/Addons/PerOpteryx/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.dsexplore.analysis.simucom/src/de/uka/ipd/sdq/dsexplore/analysis/simucom/SimuComAnalysisResult.java method "retrieveResults"). Same for LQN models in https://svnserver.informatik.kit.edu/i43/svn/code/Palladio/Addons/PerOpteryx/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.dsexplore.analysis.lqn. PCM models are varied using the degree of freedom concepts (see Anne's diss or product page). Anne Koziolek see product page Could be extracted as a general plugin.
UCM2PCM The transformation enables modeling a software system as UseCaseMap (UCM) and then automatically transform that UCM into a PCM model to do performance engineering. Christian Vogel ? Integration, documentation, reverse transformation etc.

Tool wishlist

The following list features tooling that is (probably) not yet available, but may be beneficial for Palladio development

  • programmatically creating PCM analysis run configurations
  • programmatically launching PCM analysis run configurations
  • programmatically obtaining PCM analysis results