PCM Development/Palladio Coding Session/20191104 Developer Meeting
Setup of agenda
- see headings already defined in document
- further topics?
- scheduling topics and defining time limits
Preparation of Strategic Workshop
- Goal of workshop
- technical: provide clean separation between frontend and backend
- strategic: other goals might be discussed as well (e.g. how to attract more students to Palladio dev) but we do not prepare for this today
- plan for today
- identification how UI and business logic is coupled
- try to derive tasks for separation
Testing Hours
- to be tested
- manual test cases
- already executed for product and installation in Eclipse 2019-06
- not yet tested: 2019-09
- measurements UI
- manual test cases
- identified issues
Release Planning
- Ways to identify issues to be fixed
- Issues to be fixed
- Collection of new features / fixes
- compatibility with Java 11 and recent Eclipse version (2019-06)
- based on resolved JIRA issues since 04.10.2017 (PCM 4.1)
- other sources of new features?
- Envisioned release date
- Envisioned version number
User Study about Palladio in SWT2 at KIT
- Thomas will include Palladio in an exercise course
- exercise is about creating architecture for given scenario
- analysis / simulation is not part of exercise
- survey will be done at the end of the session
- requirements
- stable drop (might be nightly version but modeling part has to work smoothly)
- aspects we want to evaluate regarding UI/modeling as part of a user study
Future of SoMoX
- Reports on compatibility with recent Java and Eclipse versions
- Steffen: Report on Modisco-based version
- Manar: Report on JaMoPP-based version
- Decision about which version to be maintained
- Shipment within aggregated Palladio update site?
- Definition of actions
User Study
- exercise in lecture
- Aim
- scientific or improvements
- empirical was done by Anne before
- results are unclear
- existing Characteristics comparison
- not useful, if no performance is used not necessary
- given 150 students what to know?
- Showing architecture usefulness
- probably previous work existing
- valueable if a comparing tooling exist
- comparision is difficult because of time constraint
- maybe dry run
- using somox as comparision
- not feasible because of complexity in configuration
- using to model teammates pcm model
- use natural description of teammates
- students model the components not the behaviour
- not the study would be relevant, but the artifacts
- every candidate for comprehensibility could be evaluated
- for natural understanding
- but not too detail.
- Action Item: further discusion at next research retreat
- Action Item: Anne asks Jan about teammates
- Action Item: Ask Thomas hints 3 months before user study
Future of SoMoX
- Compatibility
- Modisco-Version
- Extractor in CloudScale Repository
- Last update 2015 (only a fork from the svn)
- relies on latest JDT
- Meta-Model might not contain the newest elements
- still could be installed, but warnings about unresolved dependencies
- Modisco is an Eclipse project
- on kit-sdq exists a newer version (svn version is similar)
- kit-sdq version only runs on oxygen
- Modisco not supported in 2019-09
- Extractor in CloudScale Repository
- JaMoPP
- missing dependencies
- runtime
- status JaMoPP
- should be more compatible
- build with the new version but running
- Modisco-Version
- Deprecation
- is not useful
- used by Manar, Yves
- develop new version with extractor e.g. JDT
- language dependent
- language independent much work
- encapsulation
- for modisco not encapsulated
- jamopp might tightly coupled
- Student of Yves will use some a JDT version
- use a sdq modisco as a base
- Manar maintains the jamopp version because of vitruv
- extraction frameworks are not supported
- Action Item
- move kit-dsq/SoMoX-MoDisco move to palladio simulator
- create old build
- mark as archived/deprecation
- delete files in SVN
- Pratcial course for new somox version (@Yves)
- Steffen will add his version into the git (Stephan will trigger Steffen)
- move kit-dsq/SoMoX-MoDisco move to palladio simulator
Strategic Workshop
- Levels
- instantied workspace
- osgi Environment
- pure Java-Backend
- Backend
- Java, OSGI
- yes should be included
- OSGI + Workspace
- MDSD Workflow uses Workspace
- separting only interesting in case for antoher osgi environment
- Java, OSGI, workspace
- our backend definition
- Java, OSGI
- EDP2
- edp2 should be able to run on API-Level
- Workflow
- dependency added but no ui is used
- Simulizar
- should run ui independent
- Simucom
- distributed simulation were used
- Somox
- could be run headless in workflow engine
- Greendfield Developeent
- not in Palladio possible
- Code-Base is complicated
- documentation, what is necessary
- Documentation
- give starting point for development
- many out-dated information
- different perspective for developers and users
- plan ahead and proper structures
- many information with different abstraction
- create a new knowledge base
- top2down
- possible documentation over github (README files)
- incremental updates not useful
- write short summary (10 page) how to get really start (similar to QuAL Documentation)
- open questions, how to maintain
- posible to add gitpage with central information and link back
- keyword search needs to be added, splitting might be complicated
- Overview Documentation with general Infromation and then provide detailed informationadd
- we need minimal knowledge
- difference between the technical knowledge and conceptional knowledge
- point out the book
- Frontend
- to which technology
- hide eclipse ui or just get ride of it complety?
- Sirius
- is developing a web ui
- Other web ui
- typscript editors might easy to migrated
- supporting the development by the separation but no central point
- maybe a research question/project
- Prioritiation
- Documentation
- Frontend/Backend separation
- Web-UI Frontend (no central development point, separation is enabler, but no direct support)
- release cycle
- good to know, what breakes in new version
- problematic many manual tests
- student assistance needs about 10h
- rough idea would be good
- maybe try a release every 6 month
- combine with group retreat (?)
- Model migration
- automated migration of it
- practical courses exist, but no conclusion
- most might be done with regex
- Edap (?) did some
- Automated Testing
- some student worked on it, but not reproducibility
- better testing of the bundles
- ActionItems
- Overview Documentation and link to Book
- Move Documentation to Github
- Workshop: Identifiy use cases we want to support
Test Cases
- Student of Stephan did all manual test with the drop
- Tested with simucom
- Test-Case Study with Stefan Wagner
- Simucom 46
- test description wrong, test succeeds
- Simucom 48
- test description wrong, test succeeds
- Editors 95
- test description is wrong (we should use sample reflective editor), test succeeds
- Editors 232
- npe fix might similar to an existing one
- might be a problem in odesign
- core-element of PCM
- Solver
- not done because of license problems
- Subsystem
- is a issue with simucom
- was brocken
- All Simucom tests should be done for simulazer
- Action Items
- Discussion in next Telco Tests with Simulazer
- Maybe research for test case generation with Stefan Wagner
- redo Simucom 46
- redo Simucom 48
- update all Tests Artifacts to github
- Update Editors 95
Release Planning
- for a new environment (Eclipse, Java)
- fixed some issues
- orderd by priority
- major new features
- measurement ui
- new version
- breaking change
- Version 5
- Blockers
- Editors and Blockers should be fixed
- Palladio 20
- new assignment and find out what it says
- PALEP18-112
- closing it
- Commons-09
- retest it and merge it with the stoex
- Stoex xText integration
- move to another release
- Units-Tests available and should be working
- Simula
- fixed
- Deleted ModelAccess Class
- add the documentation
- Simulizar 97
- it can be implemented but crosscutting
- how to test the log
- not a blocker for the release
- Connectors for interfaces
- Postpone it
- complicated to solve
- Simulizar-79
- is not calculated/implemented at all
- leave it open
- the first one who needs it, should implement it
- Action Items
- check Github Action adds Jira issue
- release of all bundles
- also increase project number
- minor version update
- set execution environment, class path to Java 11 for all bundles
- move to edpl2