PCM Development/Build Infrastructure/Build Pipeline

Aus SDQ-Wiki
This page was moved to the GitHub wiki


We are using GitHub Actions to build and deploy our projects. The actions are made up of one parent action, the Palladio-Build-ActionsPipeline, which defines pipeline steps for the build.

For deployment, there exists an additional action, the Palladio-Build-ActionsPipeline-Deployment.

The ActionsPipeline calls the ActionsPipeline-Deployment action to deploy the created artifacts to our updatesite.

Build Inputs

Pipeline Stages

  • Set up job: Sets some GitHub specific information
  • Build PalladioSimulator/Palladio-Build-ActionsPipeline-Deployment@...: Builds the action used for deployment. This is done using docker
  • Checkout Repository: Does what the name suggests
  • Set up JDK: Installs the specified version of java
  • Verify with Maven: Calls mvn clean verify
  • Check Deployment: Checks if the build was triggered by a push on the main branch (or nightly build). If not the following jobs are skipped.
    • Create folder name: Creates the folder name from the repository naming
    • Create project deployment path: Builds the first part of the path for deployment (path on server and repository name)
    • Create Deployment path: Builds the full path, where the build artifacts are going to be deployed (adds either nightly, release or branch folder structure)
    • Deploy to Updatesite: Calls Palladio-Build-ActionsPipeline-Deployment. This uses SCP and SFTP to deploy the files to the server.
    • Post and Cleanup Stages

How to integrate your Project

Error Messages

DEPRECATED Build pipeline

  • we are using Jenkins build pipeline support to automatically configure the build server
  • Jenkins management: use Multibranch Pipeline
  • Jenkins file (= script) must be added to each project root to automatically create build job on build server (presence of new files will be checked periodically)
  • Modulare Pipeline library (MPL)
    • shared library, to describe pipeline as skeleton for each stage and provide hooks to plugin your own modules (documentation ref. MPL
    • we use this library to write our own pipeline skeleton
  • Global dependencies of a build job are defined by a Jenkins template

Jenkins pipeline

  • Our Jenkins pipeline includes the following stages
    • Prepare
    • Checkout: src checkout
    • Build: usually runs mvn clean verify
    • Archive: copies Java doc
    • Quality Metrics: evaluates code coverage + checkstyle results
    • Deploy: opens ssh connection and deploys artefacts to webserver
    • Declarative: Post Actions

Jenkins file

  • documentation: [1]



  • specialization of MDSDTools pipeline
  • folder \vars contains all Groovy scripts that will be directly called by stages of pipeline
  • script PalladioPipeline: entry point


  • contains all Groovy scripts that are called from Palladio-Build-JenkinsPipeline.PalladioPipeline script
  • AbstractMDSDToolsPipeline:
    • defines the available stages of our pipeline
    • called from MDSD tools pipeline
  • AbstractMDSDToolsDSLPipeline
  • MDSDToolsDSL
    • methodMissing contains all logic
    • automatically called by Groovy if you call a non-existing method on an object
    • splits the incoming method names into tokens (argument: name, args: params of method)
    • builds a string:value map (e.g. cfg.mavenSettingsId: 'xyc')