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The approach Integrated Business IT Impact Simulation (IntBIIS) proposes a holistic simulation that combines performance prediction on software architecture level and business process level. It predicts the impact of a business process on the quality of an information system and vice versa at design time.

In this way, the alignment of business process designs and information system designs can be supported by comparing the performance impact of design alternatives and verifying them against requirements. The approach builds upon the Palladio tool chain to implement an integrated simulation of business processes and information systems. The Palladio approach is extended by model elements and simulation behavior to reflect business processes and their organizational environment. Extensions are marked in blue in the figure. IntBIIS predicts various performance aspects such as the execution time distribution of the process and the utilization of human resources (depicted in the right box).

IntBIIS - Overview

Key References:

R. Heinrich, P. Merkle, J. Henss, and B. Paech; Integrating Business Process Simulation and Information System Simulation for Performance Prediction, Journal of Software and System Modeling, Springer, 2017.

R. Heinrich; Aligning Business Processes and Information Systems - New Approaches to Continuous Quality Engineering, ISBN 978-3-658-06517-1, Springer, 2014.


Please email to Robert Heinrich for installation instructions.