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Installing Ginpex from Eclipse update site

This installation is the easiest way to set up Ginpex. For building Ginpex from source, see below (Installing Ginpex by SVN checkout).

  • Set up a fresh Eclipse 3.5 environment.
  • In the "Help"-->"Install new Software..." dialog, add the following update site:
  • From the Ginpex update site, select all features from the "Ginpex" category and perform installation.
  • Restart eclipse after installation has completed.
  • Certain pre-defined experiments require the R statistics tool. To execute such experiments, install the R tool as described here.
    • This is not needed if you just want to perform measurements by manually creating experiment scripts.
  • Usually, no further configuration is needed. However, if there are problems with the Java security manager resp. the security policy, you may want to specify a policy file and start the eclipse with the policy file. To do so, add '"$path_to_policy_file$" ' in the eclipse.ini file.
  • It is recommended to adjust the JVM memory settings for the Eclipse instance. This can be done by adjusting the Xms and Xmx arguments in the eclipse.ini file,
    for example '-Xms512m -Xmx800m'

Installing the Ginpex Load Driver

  • Download the Load Driver binary from
  • Extract the archive into a directory.
  • The file contains all driver properties, which probably have to be adjusted:
    • The property "edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver.rmi.ip" denotes the IP of the machine is Load Driver is running on. Make sure the IP is reachable from the machine the Ginpex Controller runs on.
      • Windows firewall settings can be configured in the Windows control panel. For Linux firewall settings, see the Load Driver file linux_readme.txt
    • The properties "edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver.rmi.port" and "edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver.socket.port" denote 2 ports the driver uses for communication. Make sure to specify ports that are available.
    • The property "edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver.calibrationpath" denotes the path to a folder where the Load Driver stores the calibration files. It does not need to be adjusted.
    • The property "edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver.outputdirectory" denotes a directory relative to the Load Driver directory where the Load Driver stores intermediate results. It does not need to be adjusted.
  • Two environment variables have to be set:
    JAVA_HOME denotes the path to the JDK installation folder
    JAVACMD denotes the full path to the Java executable
  • On Windows, execute run.bat to start the Load Driver.
  • On Linux, execute to start the Load Driver.
  • To shutdown the Load Driver, execute shutdown.bat or, respectively.

Installing Ginpex by SVN checkout

Ginpex can also be installed by checking out the Ginpex code from SVN and launch an Eclipse instance with all Ginpex plugins.

To install Ginpex this way, perform the following steps:

  • Install the latest nightly build PCM version into a fresh Eclipse 3.7 environment.
  • Install the Subversive plugins into Eclipse to access the SVN Code Repository.
  • From the SVN (, check out some mandatory projects.
    • The SVN can be accessed with user "anonymous" and password "anonymous".
    • The following projects have to be checked out:
      • ProbeSpecification/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.pipesandfilters
      • ProbeSpecification/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.pipesandfilters.edit
      • ProbeSpecification/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.pipesandfilters.editor
      • ProbeSpecification/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.probespec
      • ProbeSpecification/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.probespec.edit
      • ProbeSpecification/trunk/de.uka.ipd.sdq.probespec.editor
      • ThirdPartyWrapper/trunk/javax.mail
  • From the SVN (, check out the Ginpex source code.
    • The SVN can be accessed with user "anonymous" and password "anonymous".
    • The following projects have to be checked out:
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.analyzer
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.configurator
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.measurements
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.measurements.edit
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.measurements.editor
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.experimentcontroller
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.experimentseriescontroller
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver.api
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver.common
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.persistency
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.rmi
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.systemadapter
      • Ginpex/trunk/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.ui
    • For performing measurements to automatically detect OS scheduler parameters, check out:
      • Ginpex/trunk/OSSchedulerExperiments/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.osscheduler.experimentseriescontroller
    • Certain pre-defined experiments require the R statistics tool. To execute such experiments, install the R tool as described here.
      • This is not needed if you just want to perform measurements by manually creating experiment scripts.

To start Ginpex, perform the following steps:

  • Ginpex runs in a new Eclipse runtime instance. Prepare this instance by create a new run configuration in the first Eclipse instance:
    • Select "Run" -> "Run Configurations..."
    • In the left part of the "Run Configurations" dialog, right-click on "Eclipse Application" and select "New".
    • In the dialog if the created run configuration, perform the following steps:
      • In the "Main" tab, adjust the workspace location, if wanted
      • In the second tab "Arguments", add the following arguments to the "VM arguments" field:
        • [NOTE: This point is obsolete with the latest Ginpex version. Perform only if Ginpex fails with problems regarding Java security manager resp. security policies.] Add '"$path_to_systemadapter_code$master.policy" ',
          where $path_to_code$ denotes to full system path to the system adapter plugin code (in the parent ecplise), e.g.
          '"C:\Code\workspace_measurements\edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.systemadapter\master.policy" '
        • [NOTE: This point is obsolete with the latest Ginpex version. Perform only if Ginpex fails with problems regarding the java.rmi.server.codebase file.] Add ' -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:${workspace_loc}/edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.rmi/rmi.jar'
        • If you have installed R, add ' -Djava.library.path=$path_to_R_JRI$',
          where $path_to_R_JRI$ denotes the full system path to the R JRI plugin, e.g.
          ' -Djava.library.path=C:\Programme\R\R-2.11.1\library\rJava\jri'
    • It is also recommended to adjust the JVM memory settings for the Eclipse instance. This can be done by adjusting the Xms and Xmx arguments in the "VM arguments" field,
      for example '-Xms512m -Xmx800m'
  • Save the run configuration by clicking "Apply" and launch Ginpex by clicking "Run". A new eclipse instance will start containing the Ginpex plugins.

To start the Ginpex Load Driver, use the ready-to-use version of the Load Driver provided in the subfolder /export of the edu.kit.ipd.sdq.ginpex.loaddriver project. Use this folder or copy the directory to a different folder to prepare the Load Driver. For realistic measurements, the Ginpex Controller should not run on the System under Test, so probably you want to copy the Load Driver export folder to a different machine. Set up the Load Driver as described above.