BibTeX-Eintrag elaasar2013
BibTeX-Eintrag für "Integrating Modeling Tools in the Development Lifecycle with OSLC: A Case Study"
@incollection{ year={2013}, isbn={978-3-642-41532-6}, booktitle={Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems}, volume={8107}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor={Moreira, Ana and Schätz, Bernhard and Gray, Jeff and Vallecillo, Antonio and Clarke, Peter}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-41533-3_10}, title={Integrating Modeling Tools in the Development Lifecycle with OSLC: A Case Study}, url={}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, keywords={Model; Lifecycle; OSLC; Semantic Web; OWL; RDF; UML; MOF}, author={Elaasar, Maged and Neal, Adam}, pages={154-169}, language={English} }