Architecture as Connection between Requirements and Quality Prediction
This page provides additional details on the application example of the paper "Architecture as Connection between Requirements and Quality Prediction to Support Design Decisions".
In this paper a new approach with the aim to close the gap between Computer-Aided-Software-Engineering (CASE) approaches and quality prediction and optimization approaches such as Palladio or PerOpteryx is proposed. It is evaluated by applying it to a representative software system, namely Media Store. The application is compared to Decision Architect and UNICASE, where both of them are used in combination with Palladio and PerOpteryx. As common scenarios the initial design of the architecture and a change to a quality requirement are investigated.
Our approach is available through the Eclipse update site and as sources via GitHub.
The extended PerOpteryx version is available in the latest nightly-build of Palladio.
KAMP can be found at (Login id: anonymous pw: anonymous).
The corresponding model instances can be found at Github
Media Store Model
As initial design the following architecture is chosen, all components are deployed to a single server.