.NET Modelling Framework
The .Net Modeling Framework (NMF) is a framework to support model-driven engineering using .NET technologies. It consists of several subprojects that ease various model-driven tasks, such as generating code for model representation, or languages to support model transformation, synchronization and optimization.
The project currently consists of
- NMF Expressions: A framework for incremental and reversible expressions
- NMF Transformations: A framework to specify model transformations with an internal DSL embedded in either C# or VB.NET
- NMF Models: The NMeta meta-metamodel and its implementation
- NMF Synchronizations: A framework to specify incremental model synchronizations with an internal DSL embedded in either C# or VB.NET
Further projects aim at generating code using modular transformations, interopability with Ecore or analyzer frameworks.
Details of the project, including documentation and the entire source code can be retrieved at the current project website at Codeplex.
For more information, contact Georg Hinkel