Suche mittels Attribut
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- A Case Study for Networks of Bidirectional Transformations +
- A Parallelizing Compiler for Adaptive Auto-Tuning +
- A Recommender System and Survey for Tailored Gamification in Digital Education +
- Abbildung von UMLSec-Vertraulichkeitsanalysen auf Data-Centric Palladio +
- Adaptive Monitoring for Continuous Performance Model Integration +
- Adaptive Variational Autoencoders for Outlier Detection in Data Streams +
- Adaptives Online-Tuning für kontinuierliche Zustandsräume +
- Analysis of Classifier Performance on Aggregated Energy Status Data +
- Anforderung-zu- Quelltextrückverfolgbarkeit mittels Wort- und Quelltexteinbettungen +
- Anytime Tradeoff Strategies with Multiple Targets +
- Architectural Generation of Context-based Attack Paths +
- Architectural Uncertainty Analysis for Access Control Scenarios in Industry 4.0 +
- Architecture-based Uncertainty Impact Analysis for Confidentiality +
- Architektur-basierte Wartbarkeitsvorhersage von Metamodellen mittels Evolutionsszenarien +
- Assessing Human Understanding of Machine Learning Models +
- Assessing Hypotheses in Multi-Agent Systems for Natural Language Processing +
- Assessing the Scalability of Variability Artifact Transformations using TRAVART +
- Augmenting Bandit Algorithms with Domain Knowledge +
- Auswirkungen von Metamodellen auf Modellanalysen +
- Automated Classification of Design Decision in Software Architecture Documentation +
- Automated Cloud-to-Cloud Migration of Distributed Sofware Systems for Privacy Compliance +
- Automated Test Selection for CI Feedback on Model Transformation Evolution +
- Automatic Context-Based Policy Generation from Usage- and Misusage-Diagrams +
- Automatically detecting Performance Regressions +
- Automatische Klassifikation von GitHub-Projekten nach Anwendungsbereichen +
- Automatisches Auflösen von Abkürzungen in Quelltext +
- Automatisierte Gewinnung von Nachverfolgbarkeitsverbindungen zwischen Softwarearchitektur und Quelltext +
- Automatisierung von GUI-Tests für Webanwendungen durch den Einsatz großer Sprachmodelle +
- Bad Smells and Antipatterns in Metamodeling +
- Batch Query Strategies for One-class Active Learning +
- Bayesian Optimization for Wrapper Feature Selection +
- Beyond Similarity - Dimensions of Semantics and How to Detect them +
- Bridging the Gap: A Development Approach for Seamless Educator-Developer Collaboration in E-Learning +
- CGFLEX: A Flexible Framework for Causal Graph-based Data Synthesis +
- Change Detection in High Dimensional Data Streams +
- Change-Adaptive Active Learning on Data Streams +
- Co-Simulation von Hardware und Software im Palladio Komponentenmodell +
- Combination of Model-Based Systems Engineering and Safety Engineering +
- Commit-Based Continuous Integration of Performance Models +
- Commit-basierte kontinuierliche Integration von Leistungsmodellen +
- Conception and Implementation of a Runtime Model for Telemetry-Based Software Monitoring and Analysis +
- Context Generation for Code and Architecture Changes Using Large Language Models +
- Continuous Integration of Performance Models for Lua-Based Sensor Applications +
- Continuous Integration of architectural Performance Models for Lua Applications +
- Data-Flow Correctness and Compliance Verification for Data-Aware Workflows in Energy Markets +
- Data-Preparation for Machine-Learning Based Static Code Analysis +
- Decomposing Model-based Analyses - Processes and Guidelines +
- Decomposition of Relations for Multi-model Consistency Preservation +
- Derivation of Change Sequences from State-Based File Differences for Delta-Based Model Consistency +
- Describing Consistency Relations of Multiple Models with Commonalities +