Continuous Integration of Performance Models for Lua-Based Sensor Applications

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Version vom 3. Mai 2023, 09:53 Uhr von Yves Richard Kirschner (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Aufgrund einer E-Mail, die heute Morgen an verschiedene Verteiler geschickt wurde, erlaube ich mir, den Namen zu korrigieren. Aus Höflichkeit gegenüber den betreuten Studenten sollte immer auf die korrekte Schreibweise der Namen geachtet werden. Es wird empfohlen, Daten wie Kurzfassung, Titel oder auch den Namen zu kopieren und einzufügen.)
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Vortragende(r) Lukas Burgey
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Manar Mazkatli
Termin Fr 5. Mai 2023
Vortragsmodus in Präsenz
Kurzfassung Architecture-level performance models of software like the PCM can aid with the development of the software by preventing architecture degradation and helping to diagnose performance issues during the implementation phase.

Previously, manual intervention was required to create and update such models. The CIPM approach can be employed to automatically make a calibrated PCM instance available during the development of software. A prototypical implementation of the CIPM approach targets microservice-based web applications implemented in Java. No implementations for other programming languages exist and the process of adapting the CIPM approach to support another programming language has previously not been explored.

We present an approach to adapting CIPM to support Lua-based sensor applications. A prototypical implementation of the adapted approach was evaluated using real-world Lua-based sensor applications from the SICK AppSpace ecosystem. The evaluation demonstrates the feasibility of the adapted approach, but also reveals minor technical issues with the implementation.