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Unten werden bis zu 50 Ergebnisse im Bereich 101 bis 150 angezeigt.

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  1. Co-Simulation von Hardware und Software im Palladio Komponentenmodell
  2. Collective Entity Matching for Linking Structures in Attributed Material Graphs
  3. Combination of Model-Based Systems Engineering and Safety Engineering
  4. Commit-Based Continuous Integration of Performance Models
  5. Commit-basierte kontinuierliche Integration von Leistungsmodellen
  6. Concept and Implementation of a Delta Chain
  7. Conception and Design of Privacy-preserving Software Architecture Templates
  8. Conception and Implementation of a Runtime Model for Telemetry-Based Software Monitoring and Analysis
  9. Context-based confidentiality analysis in dynamic Industry 4.0 scenarios
  10. Context Generation for Code and Architecture Changes Using Large Language Models
  11. Continuous Integration of Performance Models for Lua-Based Sensor Applications
  12. Continuous Integration of architectural Performance Models for Lua Applications
  13. Coreference Resolution for Software Architecture Documentation
  14. Cost-Efficient Evaluation of ML Classifiers With Feature Attribution Annotations (Final BA Presentation)
  15. Cost-Efficient Evaluation of ML Classifiers With Feature Attribution Annotations (Proposal)
  16. Creating Study Plans by Generating Workflow Models from Constraints in Temporal Logic
  17. Daniel Betsche
  18. Daniel Ebi
  19. Daniel Zimmermann
  20. Data-Driven Approaches to Predict Material Failure and Analyze Material Models
  21. Data-Flow Correctness and Compliance Verification for Data-Aware Workflows in Energy Markets
  22. Data-Preparation for Machine-Learning Based Static Code Analysis
  23. Decision Support for Group-Based Configuration using Recommender Systems
  24. Decomposing Model-based Analyses - Processes and Guidelines
  25. Decomposition of Relations for Multi-model Consistency Preservation
  26. Definition einer Referenzarchitektur für organisationsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit in modellbasierten Entwicklungsprozessen zur Wahrung des geistigen Eigentums
  27. Deleteme
  28. Density-Based Outlier Detection Benchmark on Synthetic Data
  29. Density-Based Outlier Detection Benchmark on Synthetic Data (Thesis)
  30. Derivation of Change Sequences from State-Based File Differences for Delta-Based Model Consistency
  31. Deriving Twitter Based Time Series Data for Correlation Analysis
  32. Describing Consistency Relations of Multiple Models with Commonalities
  33. Design-time optimization of runtime adaptation strategies using evolutionary algorithms
  34. Design Space Evaluation for Confidentiality under Architectural Uncertainty
  35. Design Space Exploration for Adaptation Planning in Cloud-based Applications
  36. Detecting Data-State Anomalies in BPMN 2.0
  37. Detecting Outlying Time-Series with Global Alignment Kernels
  38. Detecting Outlying Time-Series with Global Alignment Kernels (Defense)
  39. Developing a Database Application to Compare the Google Books Ngram Corpus to German News Corpora
  40. Developing a Framework for Mining Temporal Data from Twitter as Basis for Time-Series Correlation Analysis
  41. Development and evaluation of efficient kNN search of time series subsequences using the example of the Google Ngram data set
  42. Development of an Active Learning Approach for One Class Classifi cation using Bayesian Uncertainty
  43. Development of an Active Learning Approach for One Class Classification using Bayesian Uncertainty
  44. Development of an Approach to Describe and Compare Simulators
  45. Differentially Private Event Sequences over Infinite Streams
  46. Discovering data-driven Explanations
  47. Domain-specific Language for Data-driven Design Time Analyses and Result Mappings for Logic Programs
  48. DomainML: A modular framework for domain knowledge-guided machine learning
  49. Dominik Fuchß
  50. Dominik Werle

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