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Unten werden bis zu 50 Ergebnisse im Bereich 101 bis 150 angezeigt.
- Co-Simulation von Hardware und Software im Palladio Komponentenmodell
- Collective Entity Matching for Linking Structures in Attributed Material Graphs
- Combination of Model-Based Systems Engineering and Safety Engineering
- Commit-Based Continuous Integration of Performance Models
- Commit-basierte kontinuierliche Integration von Leistungsmodellen
- Concept and Implementation of a Delta Chain
- Conception and Design of Privacy-preserving Software Architecture Templates
- Conception and Implementation of a Runtime Model for Telemetry-Based Software Monitoring and Analysis
- Context-based confidentiality analysis in dynamic Industry 4.0 scenarios
- Context Generation for Code and Architecture Changes Using Large Language Models
- Continuous Integration of Performance Models for Lua-Based Sensor Applications
- Continuous Integration of architectural Performance Models for Lua Applications
- Coreference Resolution for Software Architecture Documentation
- Cost-Efficient Evaluation of ML Classifiers With Feature Attribution Annotations (Final BA Presentation)
- Cost-Efficient Evaluation of ML Classifiers With Feature Attribution Annotations (Proposal)
- Creating Study Plans by Generating Workflow Models from Constraints in Temporal Logic
- Daniel Betsche
- Daniel Ebi
- Daniel Zimmermann
- Data-Driven Approaches to Predict Material Failure and Analyze Material Models
- Data-Flow Correctness and Compliance Verification for Data-Aware Workflows in Energy Markets
- Data-Preparation for Machine-Learning Based Static Code Analysis
- Decision Support for Group-Based Configuration using Recommender Systems
- Decomposing Model-based Analyses - Processes and Guidelines
- Decomposition of Relations for Multi-model Consistency Preservation
- Definition einer Referenzarchitektur für organisationsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit in modellbasierten Entwicklungsprozessen zur Wahrung des geistigen Eigentums
- Deleteme
- Density-Based Outlier Detection Benchmark on Synthetic Data
- Density-Based Outlier Detection Benchmark on Synthetic Data (Thesis)
- Derivation of Change Sequences from State-Based File Differences for Delta-Based Model Consistency
- Deriving Twitter Based Time Series Data for Correlation Analysis
- Describing Consistency Relations of Multiple Models with Commonalities
- Design-time optimization of runtime adaptation strategies using evolutionary algorithms
- Design Space Evaluation for Confidentiality under Architectural Uncertainty
- Design Space Exploration for Adaptation Planning in Cloud-based Applications
- Detecting Data-State Anomalies in BPMN 2.0
- Detecting Outlying Time-Series with Global Alignment Kernels
- Detecting Outlying Time-Series with Global Alignment Kernels (Defense)
- Developing a Database Application to Compare the Google Books Ngram Corpus to German News Corpora
- Developing a Framework for Mining Temporal Data from Twitter as Basis for Time-Series Correlation Analysis
- Development and evaluation of efficient kNN search of time series subsequences using the example of the Google Ngram data set
- Development of an Active Learning Approach for One Class Classifi cation using Bayesian Uncertainty
- Development of an Active Learning Approach for One Class Classification using Bayesian Uncertainty
- Development of an Approach to Describe and Compare Simulators
- Differentially Private Event Sequences over Infinite Streams
- Discovering data-driven Explanations
- Domain-specific Language for Data-driven Design Time Analyses and Result Mappings for Logic Programs
- DomainML: A modular framework for domain knowledge-guided machine learning
- Dominik Fuchß
- Dominik Werle