Semantic Interoperability in Decentralized Identity Ecosystems

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Vortragende(r) Lea Strauch
Vortragstyp Bachelorarbeit
Betreuer(in) Ralf Reussner
Termin [[Institutsseminar/2023-01-27|
Institutsseminar/2023-01-27Fr 27. Januar 2023, 11:01Raum 348 (Gebäude 50.34)
Vortragsmodus in Präsenz
Kurzfassung In an identity ecosystem, actors exchange digital proofs, so called "credentials". Actors can also take on different roles: "Issuers" generate credentials and issue them to other actors. "Holders" store them and present them to "verifiers", who verify and accept the credential or reject it.

In decentralized identity ecosystems, actors can interact with each other on an equal basis, regardless of their current role. They are not subjected to permanent hierarchies. Instead, they are loosely coupled with each other and where it is possible, intermediaries are avoided.

In this thesis, the "semantic interoperability" of actors in decentralized identity ecosystems are examined. Semantic interoperability aims at a common understanding of credentials for all actors. For this purpose, two things have to be taken into account: First, the understanding of the properties and statements evidenced in the credential, e.g., "What does the content say and what does it not say? What level of trust is guaranteed? What kind of actor issued the credential?" Second, it is about the context of the credential in its own environment, e.g., "Is the evidence of these properties adequate to continue this process? Is the level of trust sufficient?" Regarding this, there are already promising approaches from researchers and practitioners, especially in the area of the "Semantic Web", which is closely connected to the topic of semantic interoperability. This is why we want to collect and classify various existing technologies and standards for creating semantic interoperability. These technologies and standards will also be evaluated for their use on the basis of requirements collected in the project "Schaufenster sichere digitale Identitäten Karlsruhe" (Showcase secure digital identities Karlsruhe).