Reduction of Energy Time Series

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Vortragende(r) Lucas Krauß
Vortragstyp Bachelorarbeit
Betreuer(in) Edouard Fouché
Termin [[Institutsseminar/2018-04-20|
Institutsseminar/2018-04-20Fr 20. April 2018, 11:04Raum 010 (Gebäude 50.34)
Kurzfassung Data Reduction is known as the process of compressing large amounts of data down to its most relevant parts and is an important sub-field of Data Mining.

Energy time series (ETS) generally feature many components and are gathered at a high temporal resolution. Hence, it is required to reduce the data in order to allow analysis or further processing of the time series. However, existing data reduction methods do not account for energy-related characteristics of ETS and thus may lead to unsatisfying results.

In this work, we present a range of state-of-the art approaches for time series reduction (TSR) in the context of energy time series. The aim is to identify representative time slices from the multivariate energy time series without any prior knowledge about the inherent structure of the data. We rely on unsupervised approaches, i.e., clustering algorithms, to derive these representatives. For validation purpose, we apply the proposed reduction methods in two distinct approaches:

First, we use the TSR method to reduce the run time of energy system optimization models (ESM). ESM produce predictions and recommendations for the future energy system on the basis of historical data. As the model complexity and execution time of the ESM increases dramatically with the temporal resolution of the input data, reducing the input data without impacting the quality of predictions allows analysis at scales that are out of reach otherwise. In particular, we will study the Perseus-EU model. Our analysis show the extent to which each TSR method can reduce run times without degrading the quality of the prediction significantly.

The second application relates to the compression of ETS emerging from grid measurement data. Measurements from sensors installed in the energy grid collect observations in a high temporal resolution but are often highly redundant. Hence, while the storage requirements are high, the collected time series only contain few interesting and representative observations. Here, we use TSR methods to reduce the multivariate time series to a set of representative time slices. We show that amount of redundant observations can be greatly reduced in that way while preserving rare and interesting observations.