Creating Study Plans by Generating Workflow Models from Constraints in Temporal Logic

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Version vom 9. März 2018, 13:33 Uhr von Jutta Mülle (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Vortragende(r) Marcel Groß
Vortragstyp Bachelorarbeit
Betreuer(in) Jutta Mülle
Termin Fr 16. März 2018
Kurzfassung Students are confronted with a huge amount of regulations when planning their studies at a university. It is challenging for them to create a personalized study plan while still complying to all official rules. The STUDYplan software aims to overcome the difficulties by enabling an intuitive and individual modeling of study plans. A study plan can be interpreted as a sequence of business process tasks that indicate courses to make use of existing work in the business process domain. This thesis focuses on the idea of synthesizing business process models from declarative specifications that indicate official and user-defined regulations for a study plan. We provide an elaborated approach for the modeling of study plan constraints and a generation concept specialized to study plans. This work motivates, discusses, partially implements and evaluates the proposed approach.