Commit-Based Continuous Integration of Performance Models

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Version vom 6. September 2021, 22:23 Uhr von Martin Armbruster (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Vortragende(r) Martin Armbruster
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Manar Mazkatli
Termin Fr 10. September 2021
Kurzfassung Architecture-level performance models, for instance, the PCM, allow performance predictions to evaluate and compare design alternatives. However, software architectures drift over time so that initially created performance models are out-to-date fast due to the required manual high effort to keep them up-to-date.

To close the gap between the development and having up-to-date performance models, the Continuous Integration of Performance Models (CIPM) approach has been proposed. It incorporates automatically executed activities into a Continuous Integration pipeline and is realized with Vitruvius combining Java and the PCM. As a consequence, changes from a commit are extracted to incrementally update the models in the VSUM. To estimate the resource demand in the PCM, the CIPM approach adaptively instruments and monitors the source code.

In previous work, parts of the CIPM pipeline were prototypically implemented and partly evaluated with artificial projects. A pipeline combining the incremental model update and the adaptive instrumentation is absent. Therefore, this thesis presents the combined pipeline adapting and extending the existing implementations. The evaluation is performed with the TeaStore and indicates the correct model update and instrumentation. Nevertheless, there is a gap towards the calibration pipeline.