Institutsseminar/2019-08-09 Raumverlegung*

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Version vom 2. August 2019, 17:33 Uhr von Edouard Fouché (Diskussion | Beiträge) ( verschob die Seite Institutsseminar/2019-08-09 (Raumverlegung wegen Klausuransicht)* nach Institutsseminar/2019-08-09 Raumverlegung*: Titel zu lang)
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Termin (Alle Termine)
Datum Freitag, 9. August 2019
Uhrzeit 11:30 – 12:15 Uhr (Dauer: 45 min)
Ort Raum 010 (Gebäude 50.34)
Vorheriger Termin Fr 2. August 2019
Nächster Termin Fr 16. August 2019

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Vortragende(r) Andreas Foitzik
Titel Enhancing Non-Invasive Human Activity Recognition by Fusioning Electrical Load and Vibrational Measurements
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Klemens Böhm
Kurzfassung Professional installation of stationary sensors burdens the adoption of Activity Recognition Systems in households. This can be circumvented by utilizing sensors that are cheap, easy to set up and adaptable to a variety of homes. Since 72% of European consumers will have Smart Meters by 2020, it provides an omnipresent basis for Activity Recognition.

This thesis investigates, how a Smart Meter’s limited recognition of appliance involving activities can be extended by Vibration Sensors. We provide an experimental setup to aggregate a dedicated dataset with a sampling frequency of 25,600 Hz. We evaluate the impact of combining a Smart Meter and Vibration Sensors on a system’s accuracy, by means of four developed Activity Recognition Systems. This results in the quantification of the impact. We found out that through combining these sensors, the accuracy of an Activity Recognition System rather strives towards the highest accuracy of a single underlying sensor, than jointly surpassing it.

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Tobias Hey hat an diesem Tag R348 für Kausureinsicht des SWT1 reserviert.