Towards Integrating Low-Code in View-based Development

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Vortragende(r) Anne-Kathrin Hermann
Vortragstyp Vortrag
Betreuer(in) Lars König
Termin Fr 11. Oktober 2024
Vortragssprache Englisch
Vortragsmodus in Präsenz
Kurzfassung Abschlussvortrag Praxis der Forschung: In recent years, low-code development has been established as an innovative method for software development. It enables the development of a wide range of applications using graphical tools, with little or no knowledge of text-based programming languages. Closely related is model-driven development, where models play a primary role in specifying software systems and generating code partially automatically. While model-driven development supports development processes where developers from different domains work on different models that are kept consistent, in practice, classical model-driven tools are often difficult to use for domain experts with a less technical background. To bridge this gap, we propose a concept for integrating low-code platforms through projective views into model-driven development environments. We provide an initial evaluation of the feasibility of our concept using a development platform for smart home systems as a case study.